1993 Distinguished Engineering Alumni
The 30th Annual Distinguished Engineering Alumni Convocation
Friday, April 23, 1993
We are honored to introduce this year's Distinguished Engineering Alumni. We wish to highlight the outstanding accomplishments of these Purdue graduates as well as share their reflections on their experience at Purdue and in the professional world.
Through their leadership and achievement, these Distinguished Engineering Alumni bring esteem to themselves and to Purdue University.
Steven C. Beering President |
Henry T. Yang Dean of Engineering |
We are honored to introduce the 1994 Distinguished Engineering Alumni. To highlight the outstanding accomplishments of these Purdue graduates as well as reflections on their experiences at Purdue and in the professional world. Through their leadership and achievements, these Distinguished Engineering Alumni bring esteem to themselves and to Purdue University.
William F. Brumund
BSCE `64, MSCE `65, PhD `69
Frank E. Dalton
BSCE `51
Kevin G. Forster
BSAgE `75
Frederick C. Haas
BSChE `57
Ronald W. Haddock
BSME `63
Richard G. Klein
BSME `65, PhD `73
Robert L. Long
MSNE `59, PhD `62
Alfred R. Lucus
BSEE `63. MS '65
David O. Swain
BSAE '64
Jeremy S. Weinstein
MSIE `68, PhD `71