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Imaging and Printing

Students on this team will develop solutions to problems that are related to Prof. Allebach’s on-going research collaborations with industrial sponsors.

Imaging and Printing: Solutions to Real-World Problems Based on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning


Students on this team will develop solutions to problems that are related to Prof. Allebach’s on-going research collaborations with industrial sponsors. These sponsors currently include four different divisions of HP Inc, including HP Labs – Palo Alto, CA, as well as Poshmark and Sun Valley Tech a company based in China.

The problems to be addressed span the range from image rendering for printing systems, to print defect assessment, to various aspects of image understanding, which are relevant to an on-line fashion marketplace, and video surveillance of humans in various settings.

The solutions to these problems draw on concepts from image processing, computer vision, and machine learning. We accept students at all levels of preparation. Our only prerequisite is that the student exhibit a passion for the field, and a strong desire to learn. It goes without saying that each project will involve considerable programming, either in MatLab, Python, or C.

Meeting Times:

Fall 2020: Monday from 5:30 - 6:20 PM EE 118