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Boiler-up Farm System

Design, development, and prototyping of vertical farm on Purdue campus.



This project aims to address the problem of food insecurity for the students and the communities across Purdue and the surrounding, respectively. The goal is to design, develop, and test the generation 1.0 prototype of the farm system researching materials, mechanical, electrical, and agriculture sub-systems. An additional goal is to study producibility and productivity along with reliability, reproducibility, and safety. Further interest is also to plan scale-up for real-world applicability of this platform to create jobs. 

Relevant Technologies:

  • Mechanical and electrical engineering
  • Agriculture Engineering
  • Testing science
  • Entrepreneurship


  • High school senior level fundamentals of physics, chemistry, biology, and math.
  • Self-organization, self-motivation, and planning skills.
  • Integrity and professional collegiality.

Meeting Time:

  • Fall 2021 - Mondays @ 5:00 - 5:50 pm EE 013