Welcome to the Purdue Fall Undergraduate Research Expo!

The abstract booklet and presentation videos for the Fall Undergraduate Research Expo are available here
We are delighted to announce that several of our VIP teams are participating in the Research Expo, and we request you to use your Purdue login to access their presentations this week (16 Nov - 20 Nov). The Vertically Integrated Projects Program provides undergraduate students to earn academic credit through research and design projects.

VIP teams at the 2020 Fall Undergraduate Research Expo:

SoCET: Automated Digital Verification (ADV)
Purdue SoCET: Design Flow 
Air Force Research Laboratory UAS Team
Drone Video
An integrated multi-database search of Geological Formations
A Platform to Implement Effective Learning IoT Safety Nodes for Workplace Safety
LandP Healthcare Subteam A: Real-Time Respiration Rate and Heart Rate Estimation via Video Capture
Image Based Quality Assurance of Fabricated Nitrate Sensor
Artificial Intelligence Driven Navigation for Autonomous Racing  
COVID-19 Virus Detection Module 
Mobile Applications: Food Identification using Image Processing 
Food Classification