COVID-19 Faculty/Staff Resources


We recognize our important role in delivering regular updates on COVID-19 actions taken by the University and the College of Engineering. While it is difficult to predict what is ahead, know that our pandemic plan owners are prepared and the appropriate stakeholders are connecting frequently to share updates, action plans and ensure collaboration.

Any University wide communications will be sent via email or Purdue Alert text messaging system. Please take the time to read these communications along with the Purdue’s COVID-19 Need to Know website, which is being updated in real-time. This website also includes HR related FAQs most of which can be found under “university leave time and health plans.”


WebEx/Virtual Meetings:

These tips will help in setting up a WebEx account and utilizing WebEx for virtual meetings.

  • If you don’t already have a WebEx account visit and search for “WebEx.” The first time you access the system, WebEx will create an account based on your career account information.
  • Participants should login to WebEx 10 minutes early to go through the technical set up prior to meetings. ITaP is offering training every weekday through March 27.
  • Virtual meetings may also be held in ARMS 3041 / Dunville Room


We know some of you are in a position where remote work is not an option, and some are unable to report to campus. Employees in that situation may use regular Purdue leave time in this order: accrued vacation time; personal business days; sick time; and unpaid leave. In addition, you may become qualified for additional leave pursuant to the new Coronavirus Response Act, which was just signed into law.



  1. As we transition to remote learning starting on March 23, all instructional laboratories in the College of Engineering should be closed to student access.
  2. General purpose computer labs should also be closed because they pack a high density of students into a small space. The ECN team is working on enabling remote desktop access to computer labs. Computer labs for graduate students can remain open if access can be restricted to graduate students and if it is possible to enforce social distancing (i.e. we may need to unplug every other machine). We will be asking ITaP to operate a small number of low-density general-purpose labs for students who need access to a physical machine.
  3. There are some software licensing issues that we need to be careful about. Some software packages used for instruction have ITAR restrictions. At least one is licensed, so that it can only be used within a 50-mile radius of West Lafayette. ECN is looking into these issues, but if you know of such software being used in your School, please contact Teresa Cadwallader (
  4. The public-facing offices in the CoE are largely operating according to University policy at this time. They are in operation but discouraging face-to-face meetings. Many of the doors are locked with a note posted that tells people: a) We are open for business, b) Due to the COVID-19 situation, meetings are being done remotely, c) If you need help, consult the University COVID-19 website for assistance, d) If you need to speak with someone, call the Purdue COVID-19 Information Center: 765-496-INFO (4636) or toll-free 1-833-571-1043.

Guidance from the Purdue Public Health Emergency Task Force
March 28, 2020

What if someone is ill in my building?

The Purdue Public Health Emergency Task Force has compiled the checklist below to provide step-by-step guidance for use in situations when ill individuals are encountered in a campus facility. This guidance is from the CDC and the Tippecanoe County Health Department, and addresses what we know about novel coronavirus/ COVID-19. The guidance for all individuals is the same except: supervisors should contact the Center for Health Living (CHL) with questions about employees; faculty and/or supervisors should contact Dr. Gail Walenga for all questions about students.

Ill Employees or Students
  1. Individual shows symptoms at a campus location (cough, fever, shortness of breath), but has not seen a doctor nor been tested for COVID-19:
    1. Send individual home
    2. Request that the individual contact their doctor/telemedicine or PUSH (students only) to determine whether additional care is needed
    3. Upon completion of doctor’s orders, individual may return after
      1. At least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared); and
      2. At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed fever-free, which is defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and
      3. There is an improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath)
    4. No notification of co-workers is needed
    5. If supervisor/professor needs additional guidance for employees, contact CHL, for students contact Dr. Walenga.
  2. Individual shows symptoms at a campus location (cough, fever, shortness of breath) and has seen a doctor, who gave orders that individual is not following, and has not been tested for COVID-19:
    1. Send individual home
    2. Request that individual follow doctor’s orders, and if symptom worsen, individual should call the doctor/telemedicine or PUSH (students only) for further advice
    3. Once doctor’s orders have been completed, individual may return to campus after:
      1. At least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared); and
      2. At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed fever-free, which is defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and
      3. There is an improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath)
    4. No notification of co-workers is needed
    5. If supervisor/professor needs additional guidance for employees contact CHL, for students contact Dr. Walenga.
  3. Individual shows symptoms at a campus location (cough, fever, shortness of breath) and has seen a doctor and has been tested for COVID-19:
    1. Individual must self-quarantine for 14 days, and await results of the COVID-19 test, following doctor’s orders for self-care
      1. If test is negative, individual may return after:
        1. At least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared); and
        2. At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed fever-free, which is defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and
        3. There is an improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath)
      2. If test is positive, individual must follow doctor’s orders with regard to self-care
        1. If symptoms worsen, individual should call the doctor for further advice
        2. Once doctor’s orders have been completed, individual may return after:
          1. At least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared); and
          2. At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed fever-free, which is defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and
          3. There is an improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath)
    2. No notification of coworkers is required – Tippecanoe County Health Department provides patient contact investigation and notifies contacts per their protocols.
    3. If supervisor/professor needs additional guidance for employees, contact CHL; for students, contact Dr. Walenga.

As the Provost mentioned in an email last week, please consider the privacy of any individual reporting or exhibiting symptoms, and do not share their name or other information with anyone except CHL staff or Dr. Gail Walenga when requesting guidance.

Many thanks to each of you for your continuing support as we respond together to the COVID-19 public health crisis.

Carol Shelby, M.S.
Senior Director
Environmental Health & Public Safety
Co-Chair, Public Health Emergency Task Force

Gail Walenga, PhD.
Student Health Center
Co-Chair, Public Health Emergency Task Force

Note: Guidance provided by the CDC and Tippecanoe County Health Department 3/28/2020


Availability of ACE Campus Food Pantry
ACE Campus Food Pantry
765-494-1926 (also checking Facebook direct messages)