3/23/2020 – Message from the Dean of Engineering

From: Purdue Engineering Dean
To: Purdue Engineering Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Subject: Message from the Dean of Engineering
Date: Sunday, March 23, 2020 9:32 PM

Dear Engineering Students,

I welcome you to the rest of Spring 2020 semester which will happen in our newly built online classrooms. Some of these learning spaces may first feel like makeshift tents rather than the red brick halls John Purdue bequeathed us. In these new spaces we will be writing history together! It is a story of resilience and building future engineering careers through learning and discovery despite the raging pandemic. Humankind has witnessed only few such vicious outbreaks. We can thank one in 17th century for much of Calculus.

Things will be different for sure, but I am certain that we – College of Engineering faculty and staff - will do everything needed for you to be able to complete the semester and succeed. Seniors will graduate, graduate research will continue, as will our outreach and other programs.

Check http://engineering.purdue.edu/covid-19 regularly for resources in response to COVID-19 specific to Engineering students including Engineering Student Checklist and References for Remote Learning.

It is very important that you stay in touch with your professors and academic advisor. Contact them through email, BoilerConnect or other means they have suggested. Do not come to campus unless you absolutely must! If you must have access to a computer or to WiFi, the only place these are available is in the Hick’s Library. Wherever you are, practice social distancing. If you traveled for Spring Break anywhere outside of Indiana, self-quarantine for 14 days to keep safe your family, friends and neighbors. Remember that the virus can be spread by people who show no symptoms. Do all you can to break the chains of transmission.

Research students: Contact your research advisors about continuing your research. If you work in a lab, procedures have changed in order to practice social distancing.

Finally, I want to invite you to participate in an event “Mind Matters: Succeeding in Online Environment “on Wednesday 03/25 at 5:30 PM Eastern Time. Expert panelists will share strategies for mental wellness and succeeding in online environment. Register to join this meeting. Feel free to send your questions to vip@ecn.purdue.edu by Tuesday 03/24.

Engineers always rise to answer toughest calls for solutions to help humanity. Just in the last couple of days, the campus has mobilized to tap our 3D printing and other making capabilities to address the need for Personal Protective Equipment for our local health care workers. Many in Engineering are involved. There will be challenges for sure, but I’m certain that we’ll look back on this as another “one brick higher” time in Purdue’s proud history.

Mark Lundstrom
Dean of Engineering
Purdue University