Mr. H. Dean Toombs
Manager, Corporate Integrated Business Planning and Operations Systems
Intel Corporation

In 1960, H. Dean Toombs joined Texas Instruments, Inc. at Dallas. While there, he led the team which developed the first portable hand-held calculator. As leader of the Semiconductor Group, he implemented Dry Plasma processing and E-beam
lithography and pioneered the first use of computer controlled assembly automation. He was responsible for overall strategic product planning worldwide including the planning of the first single microcomputer and the first 16-bit microprocessor.
In 1982, Toombs joined Intel Corporation as general manager of the Memory Products Division and, since 1985, has been based in Chandler, Arizona. His positions there have included vice president of the microcomputer group and general manager of the Chandler Division, vice president and general manager of the microcomputer group manufacturing worldwide, and vice president of the technology and manufacturing group. From 1990 until 1992, he was on special assignment as director of strategic planning to develop a long-range plan at Sematech in Austin, Texas.
Semi-retired, Toombs continues his role as manager of corporate integrated business planning and operations systems at Intel's Chandler facility.