Faculty Directory
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Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty | Research Faculty | Professors of Engineering Practice | Lecturers | Visiting Faculty | Courtesy Faculty | Adjunct Faculty | Emeritus Faculty
Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty
Alina Alexeenko
Reilly Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics & Chemical Engineering
Professor; Purdue University Faculty Scholar, 2015-2020; Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University, 2003; rarefied gas dynamics, direct simulation Monte Carlo, MEMS and micropropulsion, vacuum-based manufacturing.
William Anderson
Professor; Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University 1996. Chemical propulsion and design methodologies
David Arnas
Assistant Professor
Assistant professor; Ph.D., Universidad de Zaragoza.
Astrodynamics, Satellite Constellation Design, Mission Analysis, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science.
Sally Bane
Director of Laboratory & Hands On Education and Associate Professor of AAE
Associate Professor; Ph.D. Caltech, 2010; Plasmas for combustion and flow control, experimental combustion, optical flow diagnostics
Gregory Blaisdell
Professor; Ph.D., Stanford, 1991, computational fluid mechanics, transition and turbulence.
Barrett Caldwell
Professor of Industrial Engineering & Aeronautics and Astronautics
Ph.D., University of California-Davis, 1990; Human factors engineering; Distributed human supervisory control; Team coordination and performance using information technology.
Andrea Capannolo
Assistant Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
ARMS 3207
Steven Collicott
Professor; Ph.D., Stanford, 1991, experimental fluid mechanics, low-gravity fluid dynamics, optical diagnostics, applied optics.
William Crossley
Uhrig & Vournas Head of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Professor; Ph.D., Arizona State, 1995. Optimization and design methods for aerospace systems, systems of systems, design under uncertainty, environmental impact of aviation.
Daniel DeLaurentis
- Bruce Reese Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Chief Scientist of the Department of Defense Systems Engineering Research Center UARC
- Vice President for Research Institutes and Centers, Purdue Discovery Park District
Professor; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1998; Design Methods, Aerospace Systems and Flight Vehicles; System-of-Systems.
Carolin E. Frueh
Harold DeGroff Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Associate Professor; Ph.D. University of Bern, Switzerland, 2011; Space Situational Awareness (satellites, debris and near earth objects), Space Object Characterization, Satellite Guidance, Navigation and Control, Astrodynamics, Sensor Tasking, Low Observability Systems, Information Quantification and Retrieval.
James Garrison
Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (by courtesy)
University Faculty Scholar, 2022-2027
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (by courtesy)
University Faculty Scholar, 2022-2027
Professor; Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder, 1997, Earth remote sensing, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), bistatic radar, signals of opportunity.
Kathleen Howell
Hsu Lo Distinguished Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Hsu Lo Distinguished Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics; Ph.D., Stanford, 1983, orbit mechanics, spacecraft dynamics, control; trajectory optimization.
Inseok Hwang
Paul Stanley Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Professor; Ph.D., Stanford University, 2004; hybrid system theory, information inference of complex dynamical systems, safety verification, and their application to the control of multiple-vehicle systems, especially air traffic surveillance and control.
University Faculty Scholar, 2017-2022
University Faculty Scholar, 2017-2022
Joseph Jewell
John Bogdanoff Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Ph.D., Caltech, 2014. Hypersonic aerothermodynamics, boundary layer instability, transition, and turbulence. Non-intrusive diagnostic methods for fluid mechanics.
Kawai Kwok
Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Ph.D., Caltech. Aerospace structures design; Deployable spacecraft and aircraft concepts; Multifunctional composite materials; In-space manufacturing and assembly; High-throughput characterization; Thin-shell stability; Viscoelasticity
Keith LeGrand
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Cornell University, Aerospace Engineering, 2022; Sandia National Laboratories, 2013-2019; multi-sensor multi-object tracking; spacecraft navigation; space domain awareness; intelligent sensor control and tasking
Leifur Leifsson
Associate Professor
Associate professor; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, Aerospace Engineering, 2006; Computational design of aerospace systems; multidisciplinary design optimization; surrogate-based modeling and optimization; uncertainty quantification; machine learning; multifidelity methods
Husheng Li
Professor Of Aero And Astro Engineering
Professor; Ph.D., Princeton, 2005; Research Interest: Autonomous and Connected Systems; Cyber Physical Systems, Wireless Communications, Radar Systems, Statistical Signal Processing, Information Theory, Random Matrix Theory.
Robert Lucht
Ralph and Bettye Bailey Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Ralph and Bettye Bailey Professor of Combustion in Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., Purdue 1981, Laser diagnostics, Diode-laser-based sensors, Gas turbine and internal engine combustion, Materials processing and synthesis, Combustion science, Fluid mechanics and heat transfer.
(765) 494-5623
Kazuki Maeda
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 2018; Rocket Propulsion, Hypersonics, Cyberphysical Integration, Complex Flow Physics, High-performance Computing
Karen Marais
Professor; Associate Head for Undergraduate Education
Professor; Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005, safety and risk analysis, financial modeling of engineering systems, environmental impacts of technology.
Shaoshuai Mou
Elmer Bruhn Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics; associate professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering by courtesy.
Co-Director, Institute for Control, Optimization and Networks (ICON)
Co-Director, Institute for Control, Optimization and Networks (ICON)
Associate Professor; Ph.D. Yale University, 2014; Distributed Control of Multi-Agent Networks, Distributed Optimization, UAVs Design and Collaboration.
Kenshiro Oguri
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Colorado Boulder, 2021;
NASA JPL-Caltech Mission Design and Navigation section, 2021;
mission design,
trajectory optimization,
spacecraft GNC
R Byron Pipes
John L. Bray Distinguished Professor of Engineering
Joint appointment with Chemical Engineering & Materials Engineering
Joint appointment with Chemical Engineering & Materials Engineering
John L. Bray Distinguished Professor of Engineering; Ph.D., University of Texas, 1972; application of nanotechnology to engineering disciplines including aerospace, composite materials, and polymer science and engineering.
(765) 494-5767
Jonathan Poggie
Professor; Ph.D, Princeton University, 1995; Hypersonic Flight, Compressible Flow, Flow Control, Turbulence, Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Weakly-Ionized Plasmas, Magnetohydrodynamics
Timothée Pourpoint
University Faculty Scholar, 2020-2025
University Faculty Scholar, 2020-2025
Professor, Ph.D., Purdue University, 2005; aerospace propulsion systems, rocket engine combustors, liquid propellant injection systems, hypergolic propellants, high pressure and hydrogen storage systems.
Li Qiao
Professor, Associate Head for Engagement and Recognition
Professor; Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2007; Energetic nanomaterials, fuel synthesis and alternative fuels, pre-chamber turbulent jet ignition, supercritical fuel behaviors in high-pressure propulsion systems, micro-propulsion for space applications, experimental fluid dynamics, advanced laser and x-Ray diagnostics.
Michael Sangid
Reilly Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics/Professor of Materials Engineering
University Faculty Scholar, 2022-2027
University Faculty Scholar, 2022-2027
Ph.D. University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, 2010;
Physical basis of failure mechanisms (fatigue, fracture, etc.); Coupled simulations and in situ experiments for model validation; Accelerated qualification of structural materials (including additive manufacturing); Location specific life analysis and property tailoring of components; Digital manufacturing and lifecycle management (digital twin)
Steven Schneider
Professor; Ph.D., Caltech, 1989. Focuses on hypersonic aerothermodynamics and laminar-turbulent transition.
Alexey Shashurin
Associate Professor
Associate professor; Laser-induced plasma; Electric propulsion; Nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges; Plasma biomedical engineering; Generation, diagnostics and applications of cold plasmas.
Tom Shih
Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Professor; Ph.D., The University of Michigan, 1981; Computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer, thermal management, gas turbine aerothermal, control of shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions, aircraft icing.
Carson Slabaugh
Paula Feuer Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Associate professor; Ph.D., Purdue University, 2014; Research focus on multi-physics fluid mechanics at extreme conditions, including turbulent, high pressure, multi-phase, and reacting flows. Experimental techniques to characterize the chemistry and physics of complex flows are also emphasized. Applications include rockets, gas turbines, high-speed propulsion systems, and detonation-based engines.
Dengfeng Sun
Professor, Associate Head of Gambaro Graduate Program of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, 2008; distributed control, optimization and autonomy; resilient network control and optimization; optimal resource allocation in large-scale infrastructure systems; unmanned aerial vehicle systems; advanced air mobility; air traffic control and air transportation.
Tyler Tallman
Associate Professor
PhD, University of Michigan, 2015; Multifunctional Materials, Embedded Sensing, Inverse Problems, Smart Structures, and Nondestructive Evaluation
Takashi Tanaka
Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ARMS 2037
(765) 494-5143
Vikas Tomar
University Faculty Scholar, 2016-2021
University Faculty Scholar, 2016-2021
Professor; PhD Georgia Tech-December 2005;
Mechanical Raman Spectroscopy; Energy and Energetic Materials; In-Situ Shock Loading Analyses; Hypersonics and Space Environment Testing; Data Science and Machine Learning Aided Extreme Environment Sensor Design; Battery Management Systems
Haifeng Wang
Associate Professor
Associate Professor; Ph.D. Cornell University, 2010; Turbulence and combustion modeling; Computational fluid dynamics; High-performance computing; Machine learning and data-driven modeling.
Wenbin Yu
Milton Clauser Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
PhD, Georgia Tech, 2002. Technical area: structural mechanics, micromechanics, multiscale constitutive modeling
Research Faculty
Brandon Chynoweth
Research Associate Professor
James Goppert
Research Assistant Professor
Managing Director of Purdue's UAS Research and Test Facility
Managing Director of Purdue's UAS Research and Test Facility
ARMS 3214
Zherui Martinez-Guo
Research Assistant Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
and Materials Engineering (by courtesy)
and Materials Engineering (by courtesy)
Ballistic & Hypervelocity impact; Energetic materials; Armor systems optimization; Solid mechanics; Synchrotron X-rays
Professors of Engineering Practice
R. Bruce Alstrom
Assistant Professor Of Engineering Practice
ARMS 3217
(765) 494-1285
ARMS 3209
Daniel Dumbacher
Professor of Engineering Practice
- Former Executive Director of AIAA
- MS Business Administration, University of Alabama, 1984
- BS Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 1981
Thiago Augusto Machado Guimaraes
Associate Professor of Engineering Practice
ARMS 3203
Ronald Agyei
Alexander Burton
Continuing Lecturer
Thomas Cunningham
(765) 494-4865
Visiting Faculty
Suman Chakraborty
Visiting Assistant Professor
Pankaj Joshi
Visiting Assistant Professor
Zehui Lu
Visiting Assistant Professor
David Wolf
Visiting Professor
Honorary Doctorate - Purdue University
Astronaut - STS 58, STS-86, STS-89, STS-112, STS-127
Astronaut - STS 58, STS-86, STS-89, STS-112, STS-127
Courtesy Faculty
Andres F. Arrieta
(By Courtesy)
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., University of Bristol, United Kingdom, '10; Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ETH Zurich, '12
ME 3061H, HLAB 1004
Luciano Castillo
(By Courtesy)
Kenninger Professor of Renewable Energy and Power Systems in Mechanical Engineering
Christopher Goldenstein
(By Courtesy)
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., Stanford University, 2014
Jay Gore
(By Courtesy)
Reilly Professor in Combustion Engineering
Vincent P. Reilly Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University, 1986, combustion, turbulent reacting flows and pollutant reduction, radiation heat transfer, biomedical heat transfer and fluid flows.
Chaffee Hall, Maurice J. Zucrow Laboratories (Mechanical Engineering)
(765) 494-0061
Briony Horgan
(By Courtesy)
Professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science
PhD, Cornell University, 2010
HLAB 1006
Nicole Key
(By Courtesy)
Professor Of Mechanical Engineering
Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., Purdue University, 2007; Aerothermal aspects of turbomachinery, Axial and radial compressor performance, Experimental methods in fluid mechanics
Jan-Anders Mansson
(By Courtesy)
Distinguished Professor of Materials Engineering and Chemical Engineering
Co-Director of IN-MaC; PhD, Chalmers University of Technology
Terrence Meyer
(By Courtesy)
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001
David Minton
(By Courtesy)
Associate Professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Ph.D., University of Arizona, 2009
Guillermo Paniagua
(By Courtesy)
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and Professor of Aeronautics & Astronautics (by Courtesy)
Research interests: Turbomachinery, turbines; Measurement techniques, experimental turbomachinery; Air-breathing propulsion
Fabio Semperlotti
(By Courtesy)
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University, 2009
(765) 494-5974
Steven Son
(By Courtesy)
Alfred J. Mcallister Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1993; Multiphase combustion, particularly related to propellants, explosives, and pyrotechnics; Nanoscale composite energetic materials; Advanced energetic materials; Microscale combustion.
Adjunct Faculty
Weinong Chen
Adjunct Professor
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 1995, Mechanical Response of Solids and Structures under Extreme Conditions, Microstructural Effects on Mechanical Behavior, Fatigue Behavior of Engineering Materials, Experimental Solid and Structural Mechanics.
(765) 494-1788
Sergey Gimelshein
Adjunct Associate Professor
Adjunct associate professor; Non-equilibrium flow simulations using Fluent-NEQ, PIC-MCC/DSMC for microscale combustion, space plumes/charging, hypersonics, plasma combustion, electric propulsion
Michael Grant
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Adjunct assistant professor; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012
Mark Grubelich
Adjunct Associate Professor of Engineering Practice
Pascal Hubert
Adjunct Professor
Mark Lewis
CEO of Purdue Applied Research Institute (PARI)
Adjunct professor; ScD MIT; hypersonic aerodynamics and propulsion; vehicle design and optimization; engine-airframe integration; advanced space propulsion
Belinda Marchand
Adjunct Associate Professor
Director of Astrodynamics and Space Systems R&D, Slingshot Aerospace
Director of Astrodynamics and Space Systems R&D, Slingshot Aerospace
Adjunct associate professor; Ph.D., Purdue University, 2007
John Rusek
Adjunct Associate Professor
(765) 494-5346
Boris Yendler
Adjunct Associate Professor
Emeritus Faculty
Dominick Andrisani
Emeritus Professor
James Doyle
Professor Emeritus of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Professor; Ph.D., Illinois, 1977, structural dynamics, experimental mechanics, inverse problems, wave propagation.
John Drake
Professor Emeritus
Alten Grandt
Raisbeck Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Emeritus Faculty; Former Raisbeck Engineering Distinguished Professor for Engineering and Technology Integration; Ph.D., Illinois, 1971, damage-tolerant structures and materials, fatigue and fracture, aging aircraft.
Winthrop Gustafson
Professor Emeritus
James Longuski
Professor Emeritus of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Professor, Ph.D., Michigan, 1979, spacecraft dynamics, orbit mechanics, control, orbit decay and reentry.
Francis Marshall
Professor Emeritus
Charles Merkle
Professor Emeritus, Reilly Professor of Engineering
Professor Emeritus; Reilly Professor of Engineering; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1969, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Mechanics, Two Phase Flows, Propulsion Components and Systems
John Sullivan
Professor Emeritus of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Emeritus Professor; Sc.D., MIT, 1973, experimental aerodynamics laser instrumentation, luminescent sensors for temperature and pressure measurements.
Chin-Teh Sun
Neil A. Armstrong Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Neil A. Armstrong Distinguished Professor Emeritus; Ph.D., Northwestern, 1967, composites, fracture and fatigue, structural dynamics, smart materials and structures.
Terrence Weisshaar
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus; Ph.D., Stanford, 1971, aircraft structural mechanics, aeroelasticity, integrated design.
Marc Williams
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus; Ph.D., Princeton, 1975, aerodynamics, computational fluid mechanics.