Stephen D. Heister
1990 -
Raisbeck Engineering Distinguished Professor for Engineering and Technology Integration
B.S.E., The University of Michigan, Aerospace Engineering, 1981
M.S.E., The University of Michigan, Aerospace Engineering, 1983
Ph.D., Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Aerospace Engineering, 1988
M.S.E., The University of Michigan, Aerospace Engineering, 1983
Ph.D., Univ. of California at Los Angeles, Aerospace Engineering, 1988
701 W. Stadium Ave.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045
Aerospace propulsion systems
Airbreathing and rocket engine combustors
Liquid propellant injection systems
Two-phase and capillary flows
Airbreathing and rocket engine combustors
Liquid propellant injection systems
Two-phase and capillary flows
Awards and Major Appointments
The Elmer F. Bruhn Teaching Award, 2011
Recipient, C.T. Sun Research Award, Oct. 2005.
Purdue University Faculty Scholar, 1998-2003.
Recipient, C.T. Sun Research Award, Oct. 2005.
Purdue University Faculty Scholar, 1998-2003.
Research Areas
Professor Heister has addressed a large number of areas during his tenure at Purdue. Early efforts involved development of a variety of models for liquid injection and atomization processes. Both boundary element calculations of detailed atomization processes and homogeneous flow/pseudo-density models have been developed to assess unsteady processes in injection systems. Models for gas/liquid and cavitating flows have been developed for use within the homogeneous fluid architecture, both 2-D and 3-D models have been developed for use in this context. Both 2-D and 3-D boundary element codes have also been developed and applied to both pressure and pressure-swirl atomizers with and without gas-phase contributions. Several graduate students continue to pursue these areas within Dr. Heister's research group.
During the past decade, Professor Heister has become more involved with experimental work at the substantial propulsion laboratories available at the Maurice J. Zucrow Lab complex. In this context, his group has been involved with solid, hybrid, and liquid rocket engine developments. Substantial work has been done with hydrogen peroxide-based hybrid rockets using various ignition schemes and a multitude of fuel combinations. The group collaborates closely with Air Force and Navy Laboratories in the assessment of new liquid and hybrid rocket propellants. The group has been a substantial contributor to development of nontoxic hypergolic propellants for liquid rocket applications. Studies have also been conducted under DARPA sponsorship with regard to propulsion systems for mobile land mines. An experimental facility has been developed to study cyclic operation of Pulse Detonation Engines at frequencies as high as 50 Hz.
In 2003, Dr. Heister was named the Director of the Rolls-Royce University Technology Center in High Mach Propulsion, the first such center in the United States. In accordance with this role, he collaborates with other AAE and ME faculty in developing experimental facilities to heat sink and coking characteristics of gas turbine fuels at aggressive high temperature conditions. In addition, this group is pursuing advanced fuel injectors for application to high Mach jet engines.
During the past decade, Professor Heister has become more involved with experimental work at the substantial propulsion laboratories available at the Maurice J. Zucrow Lab complex. In this context, his group has been involved with solid, hybrid, and liquid rocket engine developments. Substantial work has been done with hydrogen peroxide-based hybrid rockets using various ignition schemes and a multitude of fuel combinations. The group collaborates closely with Air Force and Navy Laboratories in the assessment of new liquid and hybrid rocket propellants. The group has been a substantial contributor to development of nontoxic hypergolic propellants for liquid rocket applications. Studies have also been conducted under DARPA sponsorship with regard to propulsion systems for mobile land mines. An experimental facility has been developed to study cyclic operation of Pulse Detonation Engines at frequencies as high as 50 Hz.
In 2003, Dr. Heister was named the Director of the Rolls-Royce University Technology Center in High Mach Propulsion, the first such center in the United States. In accordance with this role, he collaborates with other AAE and ME faculty in developing experimental facilities to heat sink and coking characteristics of gas turbine fuels at aggressive high temperature conditions. In addition, this group is pursuing advanced fuel injectors for application to high Mach jet engines.
Tsohas J., and Heister, S. D., "Numerical Simulations of Liquid Rocket Coaxial Injector Hydrodynamics," AIAA J. Propulsion & Power, V27, No. pp. 793-810, 2011.
Ismailov, M. and Heister, S., "Dynamic Response of Rocket Swirl Injectors, Part I: Wave Reflection and Resonance," AIAA J. Propulsion & Power, V27, No. 2, pp. 402-411, 2011.
Ismailov, M. and Heister, S., "On the Dynamic Response of Rocket Swirl Injectors, Part II: Nonlinear Dynamic Response," AIAA J. Propulsion & Power., V27, No. 2, pp. 412-421, 2011.
Yoon, C., Heister, S., Xia, G., and Merkle, C., "Numerical modeling of Injection of Shear-Thinning Gel Propellants Through Plain-Orifice Atomizer," AIAA J. Propulsion & Power, V27, No.5, pp. 944-954, 2011.
Bidadi, S., and Heister, S., "Computational and Experimental Study of Jet Interaction Fluidic Injectors," Atomization & Sprays, V21, 127-138, 2011.
Dambach, E., Otterstatter, M., and Heister, S. D., "Larger Scale Examination of Altitude Compensation using Ablative Nozzle Liners," JANNAF J. of Propulsion and Energetics, V4, No. 1, pp 17-28, 2011.
Park, S. and Heister, S. D., “Nonlinear Modeling of Drop Size Distributions Produced by Pressure-Swirl Atomizers”, Intl. J. of Multiphase Flow, V36, pp 1-12, 2010.
Park, S., and Heister, S. D., “Computational Acceleration Schemes for Unsteady BEM Problems with Variable Mesh Size”, to appear, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2010.
Dambach, E., Otterstatter, M., and Heister, S. D., “Altitude Compensation using Ablative Nozzle Liners Part II: Ablator Design and Altitude Firing Results”, to appear, JANNAF J. of Propulsion and Energetics, 2010.
Herring, N. R., and Heister, S. D., "On the Use of Wire Coil Inserts to Augment Tube Heat Transfer," J. of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 19-34, 2009.
Shimo, M. and Heister, S. D., "Schlieren Visualization of Multicyclic Flame Acceleration Process in Valveless Pulsed Detonation Combustors," Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 180, pp. 1613–1636, 2008.
Canino, J. and Heister, S. D., "Contributions of Orifice Hydrodynamic Instabilities to Primary Atomization," Atomization and Sprays, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 91-102, 2008.
Shimo, M. and Heister, S.D., "Multicyclic Detonation Initiation Studies in Valveless Pulsed Detonation Combustors," AIAA J. Propulsion & Power, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2008, pp. 336-344.
Park, H., Yoon, S. S., Jepsen, R. A., and Heister, S. D., "Droplet Bounce Simulations and Air Pressure Effects on the Deformation of Pre-Impact Droplets Using a Boundary Element Method," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2008, pp. 21-31.
Corpening, J. H., Palmer, R. K., Heister, S. D., and Rusek, J. J., "Combustion of Advanced Non-Toxic Hybrid Propellants," Intl. J. of Alternative Propulsion, Vol. 1, No. 2/3, 2007, pp. 154-173.
Macdonald, M., Canino, J. V., and Heister, S. D., "Nonlinear Response of Plain-Orifice Injectors to Nonacoustic Pressure Oscillations," AIAA J. Propulsion & Power, Vol. 23, No. 6, 2007.
Park, H., Yoon, S. S., and Heister, S. D., "On the Nonlinear Stability of a Swirling Liquid Jet," Intl. J. of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 32, No. 9, September 2006, pp. 1100-1109.
Park, H., and Heister, S. D., "Nonlinear Simulation of Free Surfaces and Atomization in Pressure Swirl Atomizers," Physics of Fluids, Vol. 18, 052103, 11 pages, May 2006.
Weinstock, V. D., and Heister, S. D., "Modeling Oil Flows in Engine Sumps: Drop Dynamics and Wall Impact Simulation," Intl. J. of Gas Turbine Research, Vol. 128, pp. 163-172, 2006.
Corpening, J. H., Heister, S. D, and Anderson, W.A., "Thermal Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide, Part 2: Modeling Studies," J. Propulsion & Power, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 996-1005, September-October, 2006.
Park, H. and Heister, S.D., "A Numerical Study of Primary Instability on Viscous High-Speed Jets," Computers and Fluids, Vol. 35, pp. 1033-1045, 2006.
Kim, B-D, and Heister, S. D., "Three Dimensional Flow Simulations in Recessed Region of a Coaxial Injector," J. Propulsion and Power, V21, No.4, pp. 728-742, 2005.
Austin, B., Heister, S. D., and Anderson, W. A., "Development of Pintle and Splash plate Injectors for Nontoxic, Storable, Hypergolic Bipropellants," J. Propulsion and Power, V21, No.4, pp. 627-635, 2005.
Shimo, M., Canino, J. V., and Heister, S. D., "Modeling Oil Flows in Engine Sumps: Seal Runners and Engine Wall Films," Intl. J. of Gas Turbine Research, V127, pp. 827-834, 2005.
Book Chapter
"Liquid Bipropellant Injectors," with W.E. Anderson, M. Long, Chapter 4, Liquid Rocket Thruster Chambers, AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 200, pp. 141-163, 2004.
Heister, S.D., and Wernimont, E.J., "Hydrogen Peroxide, Hydroxyl Ammonium Nitrate, and Other Storable Oxidizers," Chapter 11, Fundamentals of Hybrid Rocket Combustion and Propulsion, AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 218, pp. 457-488, 2007.
Ismailov, M. and Heister, S., "Dynamic Response of Rocket Swirl Injectors, Part I: Wave Reflection and Resonance," AIAA J. Propulsion & Power, V27, No. 2, pp. 402-411, 2011.
Ismailov, M. and Heister, S., "On the Dynamic Response of Rocket Swirl Injectors, Part II: Nonlinear Dynamic Response," AIAA J. Propulsion & Power., V27, No. 2, pp. 412-421, 2011.
Yoon, C., Heister, S., Xia, G., and Merkle, C., "Numerical modeling of Injection of Shear-Thinning Gel Propellants Through Plain-Orifice Atomizer," AIAA J. Propulsion & Power, V27, No.5, pp. 944-954, 2011.
Bidadi, S., and Heister, S., "Computational and Experimental Study of Jet Interaction Fluidic Injectors," Atomization & Sprays, V21, 127-138, 2011.
Dambach, E., Otterstatter, M., and Heister, S. D., "Larger Scale Examination of Altitude Compensation using Ablative Nozzle Liners," JANNAF J. of Propulsion and Energetics, V4, No. 1, pp 17-28, 2011.
Park, S. and Heister, S. D., “Nonlinear Modeling of Drop Size Distributions Produced by Pressure-Swirl Atomizers”, Intl. J. of Multiphase Flow, V36, pp 1-12, 2010.
Park, S., and Heister, S. D., “Computational Acceleration Schemes for Unsteady BEM Problems with Variable Mesh Size”, to appear, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2010.
Dambach, E., Otterstatter, M., and Heister, S. D., “Altitude Compensation using Ablative Nozzle Liners Part II: Ablator Design and Altitude Firing Results”, to appear, JANNAF J. of Propulsion and Energetics, 2010.
Herring, N. R., and Heister, S. D., "On the Use of Wire Coil Inserts to Augment Tube Heat Transfer," J. of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 19-34, 2009.
Shimo, M. and Heister, S. D., "Schlieren Visualization of Multicyclic Flame Acceleration Process in Valveless Pulsed Detonation Combustors," Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 180, pp. 1613–1636, 2008.
Canino, J. and Heister, S. D., "Contributions of Orifice Hydrodynamic Instabilities to Primary Atomization," Atomization and Sprays, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 91-102, 2008.
Shimo, M. and Heister, S.D., "Multicyclic Detonation Initiation Studies in Valveless Pulsed Detonation Combustors," AIAA J. Propulsion & Power, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2008, pp. 336-344.
Park, H., Yoon, S. S., Jepsen, R. A., and Heister, S. D., "Droplet Bounce Simulations and Air Pressure Effects on the Deformation of Pre-Impact Droplets Using a Boundary Element Method," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2008, pp. 21-31.
Corpening, J. H., Palmer, R. K., Heister, S. D., and Rusek, J. J., "Combustion of Advanced Non-Toxic Hybrid Propellants," Intl. J. of Alternative Propulsion, Vol. 1, No. 2/3, 2007, pp. 154-173.
Macdonald, M., Canino, J. V., and Heister, S. D., "Nonlinear Response of Plain-Orifice Injectors to Nonacoustic Pressure Oscillations," AIAA J. Propulsion & Power, Vol. 23, No. 6, 2007.
Park, H., Yoon, S. S., and Heister, S. D., "On the Nonlinear Stability of a Swirling Liquid Jet," Intl. J. of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 32, No. 9, September 2006, pp. 1100-1109.
Park, H., and Heister, S. D., "Nonlinear Simulation of Free Surfaces and Atomization in Pressure Swirl Atomizers," Physics of Fluids, Vol. 18, 052103, 11 pages, May 2006.
Weinstock, V. D., and Heister, S. D., "Modeling Oil Flows in Engine Sumps: Drop Dynamics and Wall Impact Simulation," Intl. J. of Gas Turbine Research, Vol. 128, pp. 163-172, 2006.
Corpening, J. H., Heister, S. D, and Anderson, W.A., "Thermal Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide, Part 2: Modeling Studies," J. Propulsion & Power, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 996-1005, September-October, 2006.
Park, H. and Heister, S.D., "A Numerical Study of Primary Instability on Viscous High-Speed Jets," Computers and Fluids, Vol. 35, pp. 1033-1045, 2006.
Kim, B-D, and Heister, S. D., "Three Dimensional Flow Simulations in Recessed Region of a Coaxial Injector," J. Propulsion and Power, V21, No.4, pp. 728-742, 2005.
Austin, B., Heister, S. D., and Anderson, W. A., "Development of Pintle and Splash plate Injectors for Nontoxic, Storable, Hypergolic Bipropellants," J. Propulsion and Power, V21, No.4, pp. 627-635, 2005.
Shimo, M., Canino, J. V., and Heister, S. D., "Modeling Oil Flows in Engine Sumps: Seal Runners and Engine Wall Films," Intl. J. of Gas Turbine Research, V127, pp. 827-834, 2005.
Book Chapter
"Liquid Bipropellant Injectors," with W.E. Anderson, M. Long, Chapter 4, Liquid Rocket Thruster Chambers, AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 200, pp. 141-163, 2004.
Heister, S.D., and Wernimont, E.J., "Hydrogen Peroxide, Hydroxyl Ammonium Nitrate, and Other Storable Oxidizers," Chapter 11, Fundamentals of Hybrid Rocket Combustion and Propulsion, AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 218, pp. 457-488, 2007.
Conference Proceedings, Presentations, Invited Lectures
Heister, S., Sane, A., Anderson, W., and Meyer, S., "Thermodynamics of a Direct Steam Oxy-Coal (DSOC) Power Cycle with Carbon Capture," Intl. Colloquium for Environmentally Preferred Advanced Power Generation, Irvine, CA, 2012.
Lim, D. S., Heister, S., Anderson, W., Meyer, S., "Combustor Concept for Direct Steam Oxy-Coal (DSOC) Power Cycle with Carbon Capture," Intl. Colloquium for Environmentally Preferred Advanced Power Generation, Irvine, CA, 2012.
Yoon, C., Xia, G., Merkle, C. L., Heister, S., "Numerical Modeling of Cross-Fed Orifice Flows for Shear-Thinning Fluids," European Conference for AeroSpace Sciences (EUCASS), Saint Peterburg, Russia, July 4-8, 2011.
Dennis, J., Fineman, C., Yoon, C., Santos, P., Pourpoint, T., Son, S., Heister, S. and Campanella, O., "Characterization of Gelling Systems for Development of Hypergolic Gels," European Conference for AeroSpace Sciences (EUCASS), Saint Peterburg, Russia, July 4-8, 2011.
Yoon, C., Watson, C., Heister, S., Xia, G., Merkle, C., Sojka, P., "Injector Flow Characteristics for Gel Propellants," AIAA-2011-5707, 47th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, California, July 31 - Aug. 3, 2011.
Hinkleman, M. and Heister, S. D., and Austin, B. J., "Evaluation of Solid Composite Propellants Using a Dicyclopentadiene Binder," AIAA 2011-5864, 47th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, California, July 31 - Aug. 3, 2011.
Rettenmaier, A., and Heister, S. D., "Experimental Evaluation of Erosive Burning in a Planar Combustor," AIAA 2011-5564, 47th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, California, July 31 - Aug. 3, 2011.
Shark, S., Sippel, T., Son, S., Heister, S. and Pourpoint, T., "“Theoretical Performance Analysis of Metal Hydride Fuel Additives for Rocket Propellant Applications," AIAA-2011-5556 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, San Diego, California, July 31-3, 2011.
Trebs, A., Slabaugh, C., Lamont, W., Heister, S., and Meyer, S., "Gas Turbine Fuel System and Combustion Study with High Temperature Fuel Injection," AIAA 2011-5534, 47th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, 2011.
T. L. Pourpoint, J. Dennis, W. E. Anderson, S. F. Son, R. P. Lucht, S. D. Heister, and S. E. Meyer, "Design, Development and Operation of a Combustion Test Facility for Monomethylhydrazine and Red Fuming Nitric Acid Gels," JANNAF Combustion Meeting, 2011.
T. R. Sippel, S. C. Shark, M. C. Hinkelman, T. L. Pourpoint, S. F. Son, and S. D. Heister, "Hypergolic Ignition of Metal Hydride-based Fuels with Hydrogen Peroxide," 2011 7th US National Combustion Meeting Organized by the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, 2011.
Matsutomi, Y, and Heister, S. D., "Entropy Considerations on Integration of Pressure Gain Combustors," AIAA 2010-6707 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Park, S., Xia, G., Heister, S., "Modeling Two-Phase Flow with Stochastic Agglomeration/Breakage Model," AIAA 2010-6578 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Bluestone, S., Austin, B., Heister, S., Son, S., "Development of Composite Solid Propellants Based on Dicyclopentadiene Binder," AIAA 2010-6589, 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Tsohas, J., and Heister, S., "Flight Testing of Pressure Regulated Hydrogen Peroxide Hybrid Rocket Technology Demonstrator," AIAA 2010-6632, 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Dambach, E., and Heister, S., "Ignition of Advanced Hypergolic Propellants," AIAA 2010-6984, 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Austin, B., Wernimont, E., Dambach, E., and Heister, S., "Investigation of Throttling and Multiple Start Hybrid Motor Technologies," AIAA 2010-7121, 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Ismailov, M., and Heister, S., “"n the Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Rocket Swirl Injectors," AIAA 2010-7137, 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Yoon, C., Watson, C., Heister, S., Xia, G., Merkle, C., and Sojka, P., "Simulation of Injection of Shear-Thinning Gel Propellants Through Plain-Orifice Atomizer," AIAA 2010-7138, 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Yoon, C., Heister, S., Xia, G., and Merkle C.L., "Simulation of Injection of Shear-Thinning Gel Propellants through Plain-Orifice Atomizer," AIAA-2010-7138, 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Sandroni, A., Tapee, J., Heister, S., and Sullivan, J., “Biannular Nozzle Rig Test Facility Development and Initial Testing Results”, AIAA 2009-4825, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Kowalkowski, M., Matsutomi, Y., and Heister, S., “Flame Sensing in Pulsed Combustion using Ion Probes, Diodes, and Visual Indications”, AIAA 2009-4945, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Halsmer, T., Matsutomi, Y., and Heister, S.”Comparison of Flight Performance of Pulse Detonation and Ramjet-Propelled Vehicles”, AIAA 2009-4946, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Ahn, B., and Heister, S., “Forced Excitation of Swirl Injectors using a Hydro-Mechanical Pulsator”, AIAA 2009-5043, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Yoon, C., Heister, S., Xia, G., and Merkle, C.,”Numerical Simulations of Gel Propellant Flow Through Orifices”, AIAA 2009-5045, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Slaby, J., Heister, S., and Moss, J., “Experimental Program to Assess Erosive Burning in Segmented Solid Rocket Motors”, AIAA 2009-5176, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Ismailov, M., and Heister, S., “Nonlinear Modeling of Classical Swirl Injector Dynamics”, AIAA 2009-5402, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Tsohas, J., and Heister, S., “CFD Simulations of Liquid Rocket Coaxial Injector Dynamics”, AIAA 2009-5387, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Heister, S. D., "Pulse Detonation Combustion," Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power, Gyeoungju, South Korea, 2008.
Park, K-S, and Heister, S. D., "Modeling Dense Sprays Produced by Pressure Swirl Atomizers," European ILASS Conference, Lake Como, Italy, 2008.
Trebs, A., Sandroni, A., Meyer, S. and Heister, S. D., "Development of the Bi-Annular Nozzle Rig (BANR) at the Purdue University Zucrow Labs," AIAA 2008-3159, 44th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Hartford, CT, 2008.
Heister, S. D., "Dynamic Response of Injectors," International Conference on Space Propulsion, Beijing, China, 2007.
Tsohas, J., Droppers, L. J., Case, E. G., Dambach, E. M., and Heister, S. D., "Progress in Technology Demonstration for a Small Hybrid Launch Vehicle," AIAA 5th Responsive Space Conference, AIAA-RS5-2007-5004, 2007.
Moss, J., Heister, S. D., and Linke, K., "Experimental Program to Assess Erosive Burning in Segmented Solid Rocket Motors," AIAA 2007-5782, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Rodkey, S. C., Heister, S. D., and Collicott, S. H., "Physics of Gas Turbine Engine Bearing Chambers," AIAA 2007-5033, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Matsutomi, Y., Hein, C., Lian, C., Meyer, S., Merkle, C.L., and Heister, S. D., "Facility Development of Wave Rotor Combustion Rig," AIAA 2007-5052, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Ventura, M., Wernimont, E., Heister, S. D., and Yuan, S., "Rocket Grade Hydrogen Peroxide for use in Propulsion and Power Devices – Historical Discussion of Hazards," AIAA 2007-5468, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Richardson, R. R., Park, H., Canino, J., and Heister, S. D., "Modeling the Nonlinear Dynamic Response of a Swirl Injector," AIAA 2007-5454, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Otterstatter, M. R., Heister, S. D., and Dambach, E. M., "Design of an Altitude-testing Facility for Lab-scale Propulsion Devices," AIAA 2007-5323, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Shimo, M., and Heister, S. D., "Performance Characterization and Schlieren Visualization of Flame Acceleration in Valveless Pulsed Detonation Combustors," AIAA 2007-5077, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Tsohas, J., Canino, J. V., and Heister, S. D., "Computational Modeling of Rocket Injector Internal Flows," AIAA 2007-5571, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Heister, S., Fleeter, S., Son, S., Anderson, W., Hrbud, I., Merkle, C., Key, N. & Qiao, L., "Propulsion Educational and Research Programs at Purdue University," AIAA 2007-5149, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Canino, J. V. and Heister, S. D., "On the Contributions of Orifice Hydrodynamic Instabilities to Primary Atomization," ILASS Americas, 20th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Chicago, IL, May 2007.
Ismailov, M., and Heister, S. D., "On the Linear Stability of Compound Capillary Jets," ILASS Americas, 20th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Chicago, IL, May 2007
Lim, D. S., Heister, S., Anderson, W., Meyer, S., "Combustor Concept for Direct Steam Oxy-Coal (DSOC) Power Cycle with Carbon Capture," Intl. Colloquium for Environmentally Preferred Advanced Power Generation, Irvine, CA, 2012.
Yoon, C., Xia, G., Merkle, C. L., Heister, S., "Numerical Modeling of Cross-Fed Orifice Flows for Shear-Thinning Fluids," European Conference for AeroSpace Sciences (EUCASS), Saint Peterburg, Russia, July 4-8, 2011.
Dennis, J., Fineman, C., Yoon, C., Santos, P., Pourpoint, T., Son, S., Heister, S. and Campanella, O., "Characterization of Gelling Systems for Development of Hypergolic Gels," European Conference for AeroSpace Sciences (EUCASS), Saint Peterburg, Russia, July 4-8, 2011.
Yoon, C., Watson, C., Heister, S., Xia, G., Merkle, C., Sojka, P., "Injector Flow Characteristics for Gel Propellants," AIAA-2011-5707, 47th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, California, July 31 - Aug. 3, 2011.
Hinkleman, M. and Heister, S. D., and Austin, B. J., "Evaluation of Solid Composite Propellants Using a Dicyclopentadiene Binder," AIAA 2011-5864, 47th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, California, July 31 - Aug. 3, 2011.
Rettenmaier, A., and Heister, S. D., "Experimental Evaluation of Erosive Burning in a Planar Combustor," AIAA 2011-5564, 47th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, California, July 31 - Aug. 3, 2011.
Shark, S., Sippel, T., Son, S., Heister, S. and Pourpoint, T., "“Theoretical Performance Analysis of Metal Hydride Fuel Additives for Rocket Propellant Applications," AIAA-2011-5556 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, San Diego, California, July 31-3, 2011.
Trebs, A., Slabaugh, C., Lamont, W., Heister, S., and Meyer, S., "Gas Turbine Fuel System and Combustion Study with High Temperature Fuel Injection," AIAA 2011-5534, 47th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, 2011.
T. L. Pourpoint, J. Dennis, W. E. Anderson, S. F. Son, R. P. Lucht, S. D. Heister, and S. E. Meyer, "Design, Development and Operation of a Combustion Test Facility for Monomethylhydrazine and Red Fuming Nitric Acid Gels," JANNAF Combustion Meeting, 2011.
T. R. Sippel, S. C. Shark, M. C. Hinkelman, T. L. Pourpoint, S. F. Son, and S. D. Heister, "Hypergolic Ignition of Metal Hydride-based Fuels with Hydrogen Peroxide," 2011 7th US National Combustion Meeting Organized by the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, 2011.
Matsutomi, Y, and Heister, S. D., "Entropy Considerations on Integration of Pressure Gain Combustors," AIAA 2010-6707 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Park, S., Xia, G., Heister, S., "Modeling Two-Phase Flow with Stochastic Agglomeration/Breakage Model," AIAA 2010-6578 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Bluestone, S., Austin, B., Heister, S., Son, S., "Development of Composite Solid Propellants Based on Dicyclopentadiene Binder," AIAA 2010-6589, 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Tsohas, J., and Heister, S., "Flight Testing of Pressure Regulated Hydrogen Peroxide Hybrid Rocket Technology Demonstrator," AIAA 2010-6632, 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Dambach, E., and Heister, S., "Ignition of Advanced Hypergolic Propellants," AIAA 2010-6984, 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Austin, B., Wernimont, E., Dambach, E., and Heister, S., "Investigation of Throttling and Multiple Start Hybrid Motor Technologies," AIAA 2010-7121, 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Ismailov, M., and Heister, S., “"n the Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Rocket Swirl Injectors," AIAA 2010-7137, 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Yoon, C., Watson, C., Heister, S., Xia, G., Merkle, C., and Sojka, P., "Simulation of Injection of Shear-Thinning Gel Propellants Through Plain-Orifice Atomizer," AIAA 2010-7138, 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Yoon, C., Heister, S., Xia, G., and Merkle C.L., "Simulation of Injection of Shear-Thinning Gel Propellants through Plain-Orifice Atomizer," AIAA-2010-7138, 46th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Nashville, TN, 2010.
Sandroni, A., Tapee, J., Heister, S., and Sullivan, J., “Biannular Nozzle Rig Test Facility Development and Initial Testing Results”, AIAA 2009-4825, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Kowalkowski, M., Matsutomi, Y., and Heister, S., “Flame Sensing in Pulsed Combustion using Ion Probes, Diodes, and Visual Indications”, AIAA 2009-4945, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Halsmer, T., Matsutomi, Y., and Heister, S.”Comparison of Flight Performance of Pulse Detonation and Ramjet-Propelled Vehicles”, AIAA 2009-4946, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Ahn, B., and Heister, S., “Forced Excitation of Swirl Injectors using a Hydro-Mechanical Pulsator”, AIAA 2009-5043, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Yoon, C., Heister, S., Xia, G., and Merkle, C.,”Numerical Simulations of Gel Propellant Flow Through Orifices”, AIAA 2009-5045, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Slaby, J., Heister, S., and Moss, J., “Experimental Program to Assess Erosive Burning in Segmented Solid Rocket Motors”, AIAA 2009-5176, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Ismailov, M., and Heister, S., “Nonlinear Modeling of Classical Swirl Injector Dynamics”, AIAA 2009-5402, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Tsohas, J., and Heister, S., “CFD Simulations of Liquid Rocket Coaxial Injector Dynamics”, AIAA 2009-5387, 45th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Denver, CO, 2009.
Heister, S. D., "Pulse Detonation Combustion," Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power, Gyeoungju, South Korea, 2008.
Park, K-S, and Heister, S. D., "Modeling Dense Sprays Produced by Pressure Swirl Atomizers," European ILASS Conference, Lake Como, Italy, 2008.
Trebs, A., Sandroni, A., Meyer, S. and Heister, S. D., "Development of the Bi-Annular Nozzle Rig (BANR) at the Purdue University Zucrow Labs," AIAA 2008-3159, 44th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Hartford, CT, 2008.
Heister, S. D., "Dynamic Response of Injectors," International Conference on Space Propulsion, Beijing, China, 2007.
Tsohas, J., Droppers, L. J., Case, E. G., Dambach, E. M., and Heister, S. D., "Progress in Technology Demonstration for a Small Hybrid Launch Vehicle," AIAA 5th Responsive Space Conference, AIAA-RS5-2007-5004, 2007.
Moss, J., Heister, S. D., and Linke, K., "Experimental Program to Assess Erosive Burning in Segmented Solid Rocket Motors," AIAA 2007-5782, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Rodkey, S. C., Heister, S. D., and Collicott, S. H., "Physics of Gas Turbine Engine Bearing Chambers," AIAA 2007-5033, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Matsutomi, Y., Hein, C., Lian, C., Meyer, S., Merkle, C.L., and Heister, S. D., "Facility Development of Wave Rotor Combustion Rig," AIAA 2007-5052, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Ventura, M., Wernimont, E., Heister, S. D., and Yuan, S., "Rocket Grade Hydrogen Peroxide for use in Propulsion and Power Devices – Historical Discussion of Hazards," AIAA 2007-5468, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Richardson, R. R., Park, H., Canino, J., and Heister, S. D., "Modeling the Nonlinear Dynamic Response of a Swirl Injector," AIAA 2007-5454, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Otterstatter, M. R., Heister, S. D., and Dambach, E. M., "Design of an Altitude-testing Facility for Lab-scale Propulsion Devices," AIAA 2007-5323, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Shimo, M., and Heister, S. D., "Performance Characterization and Schlieren Visualization of Flame Acceleration in Valveless Pulsed Detonation Combustors," AIAA 2007-5077, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Tsohas, J., Canino, J. V., and Heister, S. D., "Computational Modeling of Rocket Injector Internal Flows," AIAA 2007-5571, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Heister, S., Fleeter, S., Son, S., Anderson, W., Hrbud, I., Merkle, C., Key, N. & Qiao, L., "Propulsion Educational and Research Programs at Purdue University," AIAA 2007-5149, 43rd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2007.
Canino, J. V. and Heister, S. D., "On the Contributions of Orifice Hydrodynamic Instabilities to Primary Atomization," ILASS Americas, 20th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Chicago, IL, May 2007.
Ismailov, M., and Heister, S. D., "On the Linear Stability of Compound Capillary Jets," ILASS Americas, 20th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Chicago, IL, May 2007