Michael Sangid

Michael Sangid

2012 - Reilly Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics/Professor of Materials Engineering
University Faculty Scholar, 2022-2027


University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Mechanical Engineering B.S. 2002
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Mechanical Engineering M.S. 2005
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. 2010


701 W. Stadium Ave.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045
Office: ARMS 2027
Office Phone: (765) 494-0146
Office Fax: (765) 494-0307
Lab Phone: (765) 494-1378


My research expertise lies at the confluence of materials science, solid mechanics, and manufacturing. The specific areas include the following:

Build materials models to relate structure to properties, in order to:
• Reduce time and cost of material development and certification,
• Tailor component properties, and
• Design new materials and structures.

Advanced characterization and in situ experiments to:
• Acquire real-time quantitative view and understanding of the precursors to failure: fatigue, fracture, plasticity, creep, debonding, and delamination.
• Enable microstructure level view of material performance for model validation at the pertinent length/time-scales.

Research Application: Provide a fully-integrated framework for structural materials, including high temperature engineering alloys, lightweight alloys, fiber reinforced composites, ceramic matrix composites.

Awards and Major Appointments


08/22- present Professor, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AAE), Purdue University
08/21- present Professor, by courtesy, School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University
12/21- 2024 Executive Director, Hypersonics Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center, Purdue Applied Research Institute, West Lafayette, IN
08/21- 08/22 Elmer F. Bruhn Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University
01/21- present Co-Editor-In-Chief, International Journal of Fatigue, Elsevier
08/18- present Dean’s Fellow Virtual Laboratories, Purdue University
08/18- 08/21 Elmer F. Bruhn Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue
08/18- 08/21 Associate Professor, by courtesy, School of Materials Science, Purdue University
06/17- 08/18 Elmer F. Bruhn Assistant Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue
01/12- 06/17 Assistant Professor, School of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Purdue University
01/15- 08/18 Assistant Professor, by courtesy, School of Materials Science, Purdue University
08/10- 12/11 Post-doctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Mechanical Science and Eng., UIUC
09/06- 07/10 Engineering Specialist, Educational Leave, Rolls-Royce Corp., Indianapolis, IN
01/07- 08/10 Graduate Student Researcher, Dept. of Mechanical Science and Eng., UIUC
03/05- 09/06 Materials Engineering Specialist, Rolls-Royce Corporation, Indianapolis, IN
01/03- 03/05 Graduate Student Researcher, Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Eng., UIUC

Awards and Honors

  • Agency Awards: NSF CAREER Award, 2017; DARPA Director’s Award, 2016; DARPA Early Career Research Faculty, 2014; ONR Young Investigator Award, 2014; AFOSR Young Investigator Award, 2014.
  • Society Awards: 2016 TMS Early Career Faculty Fellow; 2015 ASME Materials Division - Orr Early Career Award, for seminal contributions to the area of experimental and computational fatigue, fracture, and creep; TMS Young Leaders Award in Structural Materials Division, 2013; and NAE Frontiers of Engineering Participant (Aerospace Materials), 2014.
  • Purdue Awards: University Faculty Scholar, 2022, CT Sun Award, 2021
  • Fellowships: University of Illinois, Graduate Teaching Fellowship: Fall 2010 and M&IE Outstanding Scholar Fellowship: May 2003 – March 2005
  • Industry Awards: Twice received Rolls-Royce Lightening Award: August 2005, March

Synergistic Activities

  1. Faculty Advisor for Purdue Space Day
  2. Service in Professional Organizations – Committee Member: TMS Structural Materials Division- Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Vice Chair 2020-2021, Chair 2022-2023)
  3. External Advisory Board for the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source
  4. Purdue Dean's Fellow for Educational Virtual Lab Development and Deployment
  5. Co-Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Fatigue

Research Areas

Professor Sangid’s research activities combine knowledge of materials science, solid mechanics, and advanced manufacturing to solve complex problems in materials behavior and processing. His research group employs physics-based computational modeling and design tools, which are experimentally validated and verified. The goal of this work is to improve our understanding and our tools for designing, processing, and lifing materials through simulation-based modeling of the microstructural defects. His research specifically focuses on (micro)structure to performance modeling, via the use of atomistic simulations to inform multi-scale models for plasticity, fatigue, and fracture of metallic alloys and high temperature composites. Both material systems have direct applications in Aerospace Engineering. Many times, it is necessary to start at the atomistic level to gain a quantifiable understanding of the deformation pathways and failure mechanisms at component scales. Further, there is also an experimental component to his research as he does advanced materials testing and characterization including digital image correlation, advanced microscopy, and high-energy x-ray diffraction. Thus, the most advanced characterization and interrogation methods are exercised at each scale to verify and validate model predictions, including four dimensional mapping of ‘defect’ features, strain fields, and complex stress states within the material.

Professor Sangid is the principal director of the Advanced Computational Materials and Experimental Evaluation (ACME) Laboratory. The ACME group’s philosophy is to simultaneously address fundamental research needs and implement this knowledge into integrated models that can directly aid in and transform our design methodologies providing pragmatic engineering solutions. The overarching goal and uniqueness of the ACME group’s modeling strategy is to avoid fitting parameters prevalent in classical engineering models, while providing a general framework, which allows: (1) Easy integration and modification of software, (2) Uncertainty quantification and probabilistic lifing, and (3) Pragmatic tools to answer production questions.


More information about Professor Sangid's current research, group, and publications can be found on his research website:
Advanced Computational Materials and Experimental Evaluation (ACME) Laboratory