Registration for VIP is open to all undergraduates of any major.
Future Purdue Students:
Prospective Purdue students and incoming first-year students can participate in VIP through a VIP-related Learning Community.
Apply directly through the Learning Community portal no later than April 15:
Registration for current Purdue students
Current Purdue students can register for VIP during Pre-Registration or Open Registration.
PreRegistration for VIP
Fall 2025: West Lafayette - PreRegistration Survey : Open February 3 - March 16
West Lafayette - To join SoCET, you will need to complete the SoCET application which will close for PreRegistration on Friday, March 7.
Open Registration:
Fall 2025:
West Lafayette - Open Registration begins Monday, April 28.
West Lafayette - Will close in June and reopen at the end of July.
Open Registration
- Use Scheduling Assistant to update or change VIP team.
- Select the VIP course level.
- Identify the section by instructor and/or Schedule Note.
- Select the section (team) you want and submit.
Unlike most courses where the labs are all the same no matter what time they are scheduled, each lab section represents a different team. You can choose your team by finding the appropriate CRN via the CRN list in the section below entitled 'Open Registration: Scheduling Assistant Walkthrough'. Please be aware that spaces may be limited during open registration due to the pre-registration process. It is advised that students follow the pre-registration process, especially continuing VIP students.
Which course should you register for?
- There are different course numbers for each year - you should register for the course number that corresponds to the level of courses you are taking in your major/program. If you are classified higher in myPurdue, you can request a classification override.
- There are different course numbers if you are taking VIP as part of the FYE VIP Learning Community pilot (taken with ENGR 13300) or Senior Design.
VIP Course numbers:
- VIP 17911: First year participation in VIP for 1st semester FYE VIP LC students (offered in Fall)
- VIP 17912: First year participation in VIP for 2nd semester FYE VIP LC students (offered in Spring)
- VIP 17910: First year participation in VIP (primarily Data Mine LC students, although there are limited spots available in Spring semester)
- VIP 27920: Sophomore participation in VIP
- VIP 37920: Junior participation in VIP
- VIP 47920: Senior participation in VIP
- VIP 47921: 1st semester Senior Design participation in VIP (Note: Departmental eligibility requirements must also be satisfied)
- VIP 47922: 2nd semester Senior Design participation in VIP
The section matters! Please see Scheduling Assistant Walkthough instructions below.
- Each VIP team is a different section of the courses above. It is important that you register for the team that aligns with your interests. See the teams link to find more info and expectations of each of the teams.
- Each team will meet weekly. Some teams have an established meeting time as shown in myPurdue, and others will schedule the meeting based on member availability. In general, course conflicts with the team meeting time (lab section) will not be approved.
- In addition to the team/lab meetings, each registered student is expected to participate in 10 Professional Development (PD) activities during the semester. The course-wide lecture meets weekly, and each week counts as one "PD credit"; therefore, you should plan to attend the lecture most weeks. However, there are other opportunities to earn credits, so please contact VIP if you have a conflict with the lecture.
VIP must be taken for a letter grade. It cannot be taken P/NP.
How does VIP count?
ECE and CmpE
- Up to 6 credits of VIP can be used as special content courses in Electrical Engineering (EE) or in Computer Engineering (CmpE).
- In addition, two semesters of VIP (VIP 47921 and VIP 47922) can be used to satisfy Senior Design in EE and CmpE. Please note that per current catalog, "All 20000-level courses and all but one 30000-level core course must be completed from above prior taking Senior Design (ECE 36200 prior to taking 47700). The remaining 30000-level core course must be taken with first semester of EPCS or VIP." Current and archived catalog terms can be found here for Electrical Engineering and here for Computer Engineering.
- VIP counts for Honors credit (does not require an Honors contract).
- VIP Pathway (FYE requirement)
- Technical Elective in most engineering disciplines
- Science, Technology, and Society Foundational Learning Outcome
- Entrepreneurship Certificate: Option and capstone course
- Defense and Security undergraduate certificate option
- Data Science Certificate
Open Registration: Scheduling Assistant Walkthrough
- A full list of the VIP teams, course numbers, and CRNS can be found on myPurdue > Lookup Classes > Select appropriate course number.
For VIP, incoming sophomores look up VIP 27920 to get the list of teams to select from. Select the check boxes for lecture and labs based on the instructions below -
View Schedule in MyPurdue
In myPurdue, go to Registration > Look Up Classes
Using VIP 27920 as an example, this is how you find out the CRN for the lecture and the specific VIP team you are interested in joining. The process for VIP 37920 and VIP 47920 are similar. If, for example, you are interested in the 'Beyond 5G' as a sophomore, you would enroll in CRN 19896 for the team.
Each team has different CRNs for the sophomore, junior, and senior level courses, but the teams are linked (cross-listed). The team limit includes all of the cross-listed CRNS. In order to see how many spaces are available on the team, click the team CRN indicated by the arrow above.
Please note that although 1 of 6 spaces have been taken for the 27920 level course, overall the team has 4 of 6 spaces taken, so please make sure to view this detailed information to see if there is space remaining on a team for which you wish to register.