2023 Research Projects

Projects are posted below; new projects will continue to be posted. To learn more about the type of research conducted by undergraduates, view the archived symposium booklets and search the past SURF projects.

This is a list of research projects that may have opportunities for undergraduate students. Please note that it is not a complete list of every SURF project. Undergraduates will discover other projects when talking directly to Purdue faculty.

You can browse all the projects on the list or view only projects in the following categories:

Learning and Evaluation (3)


Evaluation of Motor Learning in Response to a Wearable Passive Feedback System  

This project involves the analysis of motion capture data and the development of human motor learning metrics to evaluate a wearable system developed by a company sponsor. Specifically, the undergraduate role is to assist in data collection and analysis. The student must take ethics courses and training to be approved for limited participation in human research and be comfortable interacting with healthy human subjects.

Project is co-advised by Dr Laura Blumenschein and Deva Chan
Research categories:
Biological Characterization and Imaging, Human Factors, Learning and Evaluation, Medical Science and Technology, Other
Preferred major(s):
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Kinesiology
  • Health Science PreProfessional
  • Health and Disease
  • Occupational Health Science
  • Rehabilitation Engineering
  • Pre-physical Therapy
  • Applied Exercise and Health (Pre)
Desired experience:
Human subjects, physiology, data analysis, statistics, motor learning
Mechanical Engineering
Laura Blumenschein

More information: https://lhblumen.wixsite.com/website-1


Exploring Views of Engineering Ethics 

The project will involve reviewing qualitative data to identify how individuals view or experience ethics in engineering. The SURF student will thus learn to conduct educational research with a concerted focus on applying qualitative research methods. Subjects of this research study include faculty members in biomedical, electrical, or computer engineering. The outcome of this research will include better understandings of views and perceptions on ethics in engineering. The ultimate objectives of this work will be to translate these findings to improve engineering ethics instruction.
Research categories:
Learning and Evaluation, Other
Preferred major(s):
  • No Major Restriction
Desired experience:
Prior course work in engineering ethics; Interest in learning more about education research methods; Good writing and communication skills
Engineering Education
Justin Hess

Toward Calibration of Cognitive Factors (Trust, Self-Confidence, Risk) for Enhancing Human Interaction with Automation 

Automation is being applied to increasingly complex tasks in manufacturing, medical, military applications and more. There is a need for better human automation interaction to prevent the misuse, disuse and abuse of automation. Our main objective is to develop algorithms for cognitive control so that automated and autonomous systems can respond better to, and guide, human behavior such that task performance is maximized. During this SURF 2023 project, the researcher will help with developing experimental platforms involving human-automation interaction utilizing an online quadrotor simulator module. This may include (but is not limited to) control algorithm and heuristic design of automation assistance, development of human automation interaction contexts and tasks, and incorporating psychophysiological sensors for data collection. Previous and current experiments utilizing this and similar platforms have involved modeling trust, modeling self-confidence, modeling risk perception, and improving learning rates.
Research categories:
Big Data/Machine Learning, Human Factors, Learning and Evaluation
Preferred major(s):
  • No Major Restriction
Desired experience:
Strong coding skills, including experience in HTML, Javascript, MATLAB, and/or Python.
School of Mechanical Engineering
Neera Jain