Engineering Scholarships for Current Students
The College of Engineering awards around $3.8 million in scholarships annually to undergraduate students in the college and professional schools, including both those designed to address financial need as defined by the FAFSA as well as those that do not require demonstration of need. These scholarships are provided by the generosity of our alumni, friends and corporate engagement. Every scholarship endowment/gift is pivotal to transforming the lives of future Purdue Engineers and providing the means to succeed.
School Scholarships & Contact Information
The majority of the scholarships administered by the College of Engineering are awarded to current students through the schools and programs.
Office of Professional Practice (OPP)
Students participating in Co-op gain 12-20 months of full-time work experience prior to graduation. On average, co-op students can earn $48,000-$80,000. Co-op students will be able to complete their studies in 5 years. They pay the same amount in tuition as students who complete their degree in 4 years. Money earned through a Co-op program does not count towards the Expected Family Contribution for FAFSA and is not a factor in determining the amount of financial aid awarded to a student.
Division of Financial Aid (DFA)
The DFA is here to help students and families find ways to eliminate financial barriers to a Purdue education.
National & International Scholarships Office (NISO)
NISO is here for all Purdue students. They assist students as they apply for highly selective national and international awards.
Apply for scholarships now!
Contact your school scholarship coordinator regarding the scholarship application process and deadlines!
Need Assistance?
Your School’s Scholarship Coordinator is here to help.