Engineering Scholarships for Current Students

Scholarship Resources

Opportunities for Current Students

Purdue Engineering students have access to many scholarship opportunities within their professional school, financial aid office as well as externally. As your education and professional development advances, your availability to obtain scholarships expands. Scholarships are an investment in you, providing recognition for your potential and your previous hard work, allowing students to reduce or eliminate loan debt, and look great on your professional resume.

Financial Hardship Scholarship

Any Purdue Engineering student who is currently experiencing a financial hardship can apply for a temporary, one-time scholarship from the College of Engineering to help meet their financial obligations during the semester. This scholarship will be applied to their outstanding bill from the Office of the Bursar.

Scholarship Cycle

Timing can be the most challenging aspect of applying for scholarships. The majority of scholarships follow a typical timeline: researching, identifying, applying and notification. Students should consider following this guideline, paying close attention to specific deadline dates. For scholarships administered by the college or schools, application will occur during winter/spring with notification during spring/summer.

Thank You

Engineering Schools, Program & Financial Aid Scholarships

The College of Engineering awards $3.8 million in scholarships annually to undergraduate students in the college and professional schools, provided by the generosity of our alumni, friends and corporate engagement. Every scholarship endowment/gift is pivotal to transforming the lives of future Purdue Engineers and providing the “Wings” to succeed.

Scholarship awards are made on an annual basis. Exception: December graduate students and Co-Op students.

Scholarships are awarded on the basis of scholastic merit, financial need, qualities of leadership, citizenship, character and professional goals.

Note: It is important to note that scholarships awarded by schools, programs and financial aid may require an independent scholarship application submission. Deadline dates will vary by school, but school scholarship applications must be complete by May 1, 2022. The Financial Aid Office administers some scholarships specifically for Engineering students which require a Scholarship Universe application. First Year Engineering students transitioning to their professional school for the 2022-2023 academic year should review the school information of their intended major.

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