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Student Preparations Checklist/References for remote learning
** Please Check the END of this document for any updates **
This checklist should be completed by students as soon as possible.
If you have not already done so, register your phone number for Purdue Login 2FA self-recovery. This will help you recover your 2FA if you get a new phone or lose your phone. You can register your phone number for self-recovery at this site:
- Make sure your computer is fully up to date including antivirus and software patches.
- Set up your computer so you can access software remotely through the citrix client using ITaP’s GoRemote service.
- Software Remote:
- Verify you have the VPN client installed on your personal computer or laptop.
- ECN KBs on VPN:
- ITaP VPN Info:
- *New alternate VPN server:
- Remember, VPN and Libraries access are mutually exclusive!
- Map any Purdue network drives you might need:
- Mapping ITaP Homedirectory manually:
- Mapping Polytech J:\ Drive for classwork:
- Set up a WebEx conference and test with a friend to make sure you will be able to join help sessions, or office hours remotely.
- Using WebEx KB:
- Teaching assistants can request the removal of the participant limit of 8 in WebEx sessions by submitting a request to ITaP.
- Remove TA Limit:
- Office 365 provides both a free download for Office suite as well as an online web version. Some vendors make student editions of their software available for a nominal price such as MATLAB (buy the $99 version, see for details)
- Linux Users: Set up SecureCRT/SecureFX and VcXsrv to connect to ECN Linux servers. Note that departmental file servers can be accessed via SSH without connecting to the VPN, but connecting to most other machines will require a VPN connection.
- Set up Thinlinc to use for connecting to ECN Linux servers. Thinlinc uses SSH, so the above note regarding SSH connections and the VPN applies.
- Software Options using ECN Linux servers remotely.
- ECN Linux compute servers host engineering software packages such as MATLAB, Abaqus, ANSYS, COMSOL and can be accessed via SSH terminal or remote X using ssh and VcXsrv. We are investigating MobaXterm as an alternative.
Update: 3/20/2020: Students are allowed home use of Adobe products until May 31st:
Update: 3/23/2020: Students have remote access to ECN supported computer labs. Details:
Update: 7/24/2020: Students checking out Purdue owned equipment for use at home are NOT allowed to use Purdue-licensed Adobe products (Even Acrobat)
Update 8/30/2020: Added section about specific drive mappings to ITaP homedir and Polytech Classes share
Last Modified:
Aug 12, 2024 3:25 pm GMT-4
Mar 12, 2020 3:04 pm GMT-4