Professional Development Experiences
Created by: James Cawthorne and Dr. Audeen Fentiman, Purdue University
This list offers some suggestions for experiences you can seek out during your graduate career.
How many have you had?
Teaching Development
- Conducting a classroom lecture
- Conducting a laboratory class
- Designing a classroom lecture
- Classroom management
- Developing a teaching philosophy
- Developing a portfolio – teaching
- Addressing academic dishonesty
- Promoting academic integrity
- Assessing Students – formative
- Assessing Students – summative
- Integrity technology into the classroom
- Preparing a syllabus
- Designing a course
- Designing the laboratory course
- Integrating a class and lab
- Distributed learning / Distance learning
- Teaching ethics
- Managing student-teaching relationships
- Recognizing student differences in learning
- Active learning techniques
- Learning communities
- Team teaching
Research and Scholarship Development
- Responsible Conduct of Research
- Research integrity
- Human subjects research
- Responsible data management
- Plagiarism
- Copyright
- Conducting Research
- Developing a research plan
- Literature review
- Collaboration and teamwork
- Laboratory management
- Intellectual property
- Disseminating Research
- Conference or journal paper
- Conference presentation
- Non-academic
- Writing grants / proposal for funding
- Non-NSF government agencies
- Industry
- Providing peer review – conference or journal
- Managing a research grant
- Carrying out the proposed study
- Budgeting and financial management
- Selecting research assistants
- Developing a research philosophy
- Developing a portfolio – research
Engagement / Service
- Service on departmental / college committee
- Service in disciplinary activities
- Leading service learning activities
- Taking research to practice
- Extension service
- Performing community service
- Consulting
- Get to know people within your discipline
- Get people within your discipline to know you
- Identifying future collaborators
- Identifying interdisciplinary connections
- Identifying potential funding sources
Personal Development
- Developing communication skills
- Written / Oral / Graphical / Interpersonal
- Charting a course – graduate school
- Charting a course – career
- Conflict management
- Understanding diversity
- Conducting a job search
- Interviewing
- Developing an effective CV / Resume
- Negotiating the job offer
- Developing leadership skills
- Developing management skills
- Managing meetings effectively
- Supervision of others
- Developing a career portfolio
Work / Life Balance
- Finding your balance between work and life
- Managing stress
- Develop a support network
- Helping your family or significant other understand the demands of your work
- Identifying potential mentors
- Identifying the mentoring you want / need
- Approaching someone to be your mentor
- Roles and responsibilities in a mentored relationship
- Mentoring others