Alex Finch and his team used various Purdue resources to take them to the top of business plan competitions and ultimately launch Tri-D Dynamics LLC, a company with novel manufacturing applications such as 3-D printing electronics into structures. Learn more about his journey in this profile.
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Entrepreneurship Resources
Do you have an idea or research that can be turned into intellectual property? See how Purdue’s resources can help you go “One Brick Higher” to commercialize your discoveries!
Innovation and Entrepreneurship — Purdue Research Foundation
- Purdue University is a global leader in embracing innovation. Our faculty, staff and students are some of the most prolific in developing and commercializing life-changing discoveries.
Move Ideas to Markets
- The Purdue Foundry is an entrepreneurship and startup accelerator in Discovery Park’s Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship.
- Where concepts become companies — The Purdue Foundry exists to help Purdue students, faculty and local alumni move ideas to the marketplace more quickly. Visit The Purdue Foundry to learn more about entrepreneurship at Purdue.
Discovery Park
- Where disciplines converge to solve global challenges.
Office of Technology Commercialization
- Learn more about how your innovation can have an impact with Purdue’s technology transfer programs and intellectual property resources.
NSF I-Corps — Krannert School of Management
- Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, the Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Site provides programs and courses that educate, support and connect faculty and graduate students in science, technology, engineering, and management to the customers and markets for their technologies and inventions.
Innovation — College of Engineering
- Fostering Entrepreneurship: Idea to Impact — Purdue Engineering is a thriving launch pad for entrepreneurship. Collaborating with industry partners, we offer mutually beneficial opportunities for students, faculty and alumni to turn laboratory innovations into high-impact business ventures.
- Visit Innovation — College of Engineering for more information regarding the College of Engineering’s commitment to innovation and impact.
Visa Considerations for International Students and Scholars
- International graduate students, post docs, and visiting scholars should be aware of any restrictions related to their visa status. Any questions should be directed to the International Students and Scholars Office. Information on the J-1 Visa Program for entrepreneurial activities is also available on the Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship.
John Martinson Entrepreneurship Center: execution and expansion stages of startups
- The John Martinson Entrepreneurship Center provides a wide range of resources helping startup companies become national or international leaders in their respective sectors. There is also an outline of important entrepreneurial stages on the JMEC Resources Page.
Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship: education and exploration before creating companies
- The Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship (BDMCE) fosters and stimulates the understanding and application of entrepreneurship with faculty and students across the Purdue campus and with stakeholders throughout Indiana and the world.