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Internship, Post-Doc, and Job Search Information
Purdue Engineering prepares you to be successful in both in the classroom and lab, which will help you to be competitive in your future internship, job search, and career. Check out some of the resources available to help you land the job of your dreams after Graduation!
Office of Professional Practice
- Yes, the Office of Professional Practice has internship and co-op experiences for graduate students. Contact them!
Postdoc Portal
- Facilitating matches between postdocs and research groups
Purdue Office of Postdoctoral Studies
- See what activities and events are planned for postdoctoral fellows at Purdue.
Postdoc Opportunities
- View a list of postdoc opportunities within and outside of the USA.
Pathways to Science
- Resources, information and job postings for postdoctoral positions.
Engineering Academic Career Club (EACC)
- The EACC has compiled a continually growing EACC GoogleDoc with helpful websites, yearly Postdoc positions, and more! Click through the tabs to find what information may be right for you!
Center for Career Opportunities (CCO)
- The Center for Career Opportunities serves as the centralized Career Services office for the West Lafayette Campus of Purdue University. They offer multiple services for undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, employers, faculty and staff.
- Learn how to ace your Skype interview by scheduling a mock interview with the CCO. Record a practice interview on Big Interview first.
Boilers Work Internship Program
- The Boilers Work internship program is managed by the Purdue Graduate School. This program provides ten graduate students per year with a stipend to pursue an unpaid summer internship. This program is intended to help students garner real-world work experience, refine soft-skills, and establish career connections prior to graduation. Upon return, program participants are required to facilitate one professional development workshop to share their experiences and insights. Learn more and apply through the Graduate School website.