Spring 2019 – ECE 302 Probabilistic Methods In Electrical And Computer Engineering – Lecture Notes

Skeleton of the lecture notes (for students taking notes using iPad)







































Week 1: PP001-014;
Supplemental: Weight assignment & simple counting; A bent-coin example;
Reading scope: Chapters 1, and 2.1.

Topics of Week 1:

·        Basic concepts of probability as a weight assignment;

·        The sandwich shop example; The bent-coin example; The game-show example; The ball drawing example.

·        Basic set operations.



Week 2: PP015-029;
Supplemental: HW1Q6 demo;
Reading scope: Chapters 2.2, and 2.4.

Topics of Week 2:

·        Basic set operations;

·        Three axioms of probability;

·        Inclusion-exclusion principle;

·        Probability mass function (pmf);

·        Probability density function (pdf);

·        Conditional probability;



Week 3: PP030-039;
Supplemental: HW2Q6 and Q14 demo, an auto-fill example, a rare-disease example.
Reading scope: Chapter 2.4.

Topics of Week 3:

·        Conditional probability;

·        Use conditional probability to construct Weight Assignment;

o   The tree method;

·        The auto-fill example; the rare-disease example; the factory chip defective rate example.

MT1 coverage: PP001-039, and HW1 to HW3.  There will be some pure computational questions just like those in HW1 to HW3.




Week 4: PP040-045;
Supplemental: HW3Q3, Q7, and Q13 demo;
Reading scope: Chapter 2.5.

Topics of Week 4:

·        Use conditional probability to construct Weight Assignment;

o   The tree method;

o   Bayes Rule;

·        Independence;

o   Definition based on conditional probability;

o   Definition based on the product of marginal probabilities;



Week 5: PP046-059;
Supplemental: HW4Q6, Q8, and Q10 demo, a hard drive example; 
Reading scope: Chapters 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5.

Topics of Week 5:

·        Independence between three events;

·        The hard drive error correcting code example;

·        Discrete Random variables;

o   Definition;

o   Expectation (weighted average);

o   Variance and standard deviation;

o   The n-th moment versus the n-th central moment;

o   Important discrete random variables;

§  Bernoulli;

§  Binomial;



Week 6: PP060-078;
Supplemental: HW5Q5, Q7, and Q10 demo; 
Reading scope: Chapters 4.2, 4.3, 4.4.

Topics of Week 6:

·        Important discrete random variables;

o   Continue from Week 5:

§  Geometric;

§  Poisson, and the connections to binomial random variables.

·        Continuous random variables;

o   Probability density function;

o   Expectation;

o   Variance and standard deviation;

o   The n-th moment and the n-th central moment;

o   Important continuous random variables;

§  Uniform;

§  Exponential, and the connection to Poisson random variables;




Week 7: PP079-095; Illustration of CDFs for different random variables.
Reading scope: Chapters 4.1, 4.5.

Topics of Week 7:

·        Important continuous random variables;

o   Continue from Week 6:

§  Exponential, and the memoryless property;

§  Gaussian (normal);

·        Unifying ways of describing a random variable:

o   Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) and its properties;

§  Random variables of mixed type.

§  Use the CDF of a random variable X to find the CDF of a different random variable Y. 

MT2 coverage: PP040-089, and HW4 to HW6.  Part of HW7 will be covered as well.  Please use the lecture page number to determine whether the material will be covered or not. 



Week 8: PP096-118;
Supplemental: HW7Q7 demo;
Reading scope: Chapter 4.7.

Topics of Week 8:

·        Unifying ways of describing a random variable:

o   Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF);

§  Use CDF to find expectations;

o   Generalized probability density function (pdf);

o   Characteristic functions;

§  Use characteristic functions to find the moments;

o   Moment generating functions;

§  Use the moment generating functions to find the moments;

o   Probability generating functions;

·        Describe the conditional probability:

o   Conditional pmf;

o   Conditional pdf;

o   Conditional cdf;

o   Conditional generalized pdf;





Week 9: PP119-135;
Supplemental: HW8Q3 and Q4 demo;
Reading scope: Chapters 4.6. 5.1, 5.2.

Topics of Week 9:

·        Unifying ways of describing a random variable:

o   Probability generating functions;

§  Use the probability generating functions to find the moments;

·        Functions of Random Variables:

o   Use CDF to describe the distribution of the functions of random variables.

·        Linear function of X;

o   Expectation;

o   Variance;

·        Linear function of Gaussian random variables;

o   Standard Gaussian random variables;

o   Q functions;

o   erfc functions (error function);

·        Probability Bounds;

o   Union Bound;

o   Markov inequality;

o   Chebyshev inequality;

o   Chernoff inequality;


A high-level outline of all the subjects discussed in Weeks 1 to 9.


Week 10: PP136-150;
Supplemental: HW9Q6 demo;
Reading scope: Chapters 5.4, 5.5.

Topics of Week 10:

·        Pairs of Random Variables;

o   From marginal and conditional distributions to joint distributions;

o   Independence;

o   From joint distributions to marginal distributions;

o   Expectations of joint random variables;

·        Joint probability mass functions (joint pmf);

·        Joint probability density functions (joint pdf);




Week 11: PP151-164;
Supplemental: HW10Q2 and Q7 demo;
Reading scope: Chapter 5.3.

Topics of Week 11:

·        Joint probability density functions (joint pdf);

·        Joint cumulative distribution functions (joint cdf), and their properties;



MT3 coverage: PP090-0161, and HW7 to HW11.  Please use the lecture page number to determine whether the material will be covered or not. 

Week 12: PP165-184; Textbook illustration of 2-dimensional Gaussian random variables.
Reading scope: Chapters 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, and 5.9.

Topics of Week 12:

·        Revisit the independence of joint random variables;

·        Revisit the expectation of joint random variables;

o   Properties of (joint) expectation;

o   Product of expectation = expectation of product if independence.

·        Revisit conditional expectation;

·        (j,k)-th moment and (j,k)-th central moment;

·        Correlation versus covariance;

o   Orthogonal versus uncorrelated;

o   The relationship versus independence;

o   Correlation coefficient;

·        Linear functions of 2-dim random variables;

·        2-dim joint Gaussian random variables and its illustration;





Week 13: PP185-204;
Supplemental: HW12Q10;
Reading scope: Chapter 6.5.

Topics of Week 13:

·        2-dim joint Gaussian random variables;

·        Properties of 2-dim joint Gaussian random variables;

·        Uncorrelated joint Gaussian random variables;

·        Detection & Estimation;

o   Maximum A posteriori Probability (MAP) detector;

o   Maximum Likelihood (ML) detector;

o   Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) estimator;

o   Linear MMSE estimator;




Week 14: PP205-222;
Reading scope: Chapters 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.1.

Topics of Week 14:

·        n-dim random variables;

·        Chain rule of the conditional probability;

·        Independence;

·        Expectation;

·        n-dimensional joint Gaussian random variables;

o   Properties of n-dim joint Gaussian;

·        Linear functions of n-dimensional random variables;

·        Summation of n independent random variables;

o   Bernoulli + Bernoulli;

o   Binomial + binomial;

o   Poisson + Poisson;

o   Gaussian + Gaussian;

Final exam coverage: Q1 to Q4: PP001-222; Q5 to Q8: PP162-222.  Please use the lecture page number to determine whether the material will be covered or not. 


Additional self-learning materials: PP223-239; A central limit theorem illustration;

Additional topics (Week 15):

·        Sample Mean;

·        Weak Law of Large Numbers;

·        Strong Law of Large Numbers;

·        Central Limit Theorem;

·        Random Processes;

o   White Gaussian random processes;

o   Mean function;

o   Variance function;

o   Auto-correlation function;

o   Auto-covariance function;

·        Wide sense stationary (WSS) random processes;