Purdue Engineering Connects with UMBC Students at Campus Event
Purdue University's College of Engineering participated in the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) Campus Connection event. The gathering offered UMBC students a chance to learn about Purdue's graduate engineering programs.
A Purdue Engineering representative met with prospective students, highlighting the strong connection between Purdue and UMBC's Meyerhoff Scholars Program, led by Keith Harmon. The Meyerhoff Scholars Program, known for preparing underrepresented students for STEM careers and graduate school, has been a valued partner of well-prepared candidates who enroll in Purdue's graduate programs.
This event served as a bridge between institutions committed to excellence in STEM education. UMBC, recognized for its strong undergraduate programs, and Purdue, known for its world-class engineering graduate studies, form a natural partnership in nurturing future engineers and scientists.
The campus connection underscored the importance of outreach efforts in guiding talented students towards advanced educational opportunities in engineering. UMBC students who missed the event are encouraged to contact Purdue's College of Engineering for more information about graduate programs and application processes.