
Upcoming Events

February 14, 2010

Penny Wars

2nd Annual Penny Wars competition between the individual schools of engineering. Hosted last year as part of the Mechanical Engineering Recess Revival. Proceeds go to the United Way.

Penny war rules are based on coins being worth positive points, bills being worth an equivalent amount of negative points – i.e. a dime is 10 points, a five dollar bill is -500 points. The winning discipline receives the rotating trophy currently housed in the Mechanical Engineering building. 

Hosted by the Mechanical Engineering Ambassadors

February 14, 2010

Scavenger Hunt

This is a campus-wide scavenger hunt promoting Purdue Engineering. In the spirit of engineering, there will be teams of 4-6 individuals representing either engineering schools (including First Year Engineering) or various organizations on campus, depending on the overall structure of the E-Week competition.

It will incorporate E-week events sponsored by other organizations, clues to help lead participants to complete fun tasks associated with Engineering or Purdue, and other activities, which may include team-building projects or community service. Each activity will have a certain number of points associated with it. At the end of the week, awards will be given to the teams with the most points.

Hosted by Society of Women Engineers

February 14, 2010


From 11:00 am - 1:00 pm the fair will be open only to members of SWE, NSBE, and SHPE. After 1:00 pm everyone is welcome to attend. For more information, please contact Carol Collins.
February 15, 2010

Engineering Extravaganza

Hands-on activities to encourage and inspire young minds into an engineering career.
February 16, 2010


Open to all students, faculty, and staff.  Pi Tau Sigma and ASME will provide the food, tent, grill, etc. The SAE/Baja Club will have their car on the lawn and will be conducting a ‘pit crew challenge’ activity where students change a tire on the car as quickly as possible. There will be a trophy for the fastest student; the fastest time from each engineering school will receive a certificate.

Hosted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Pi Tau Sigma, and the BAJA Car Team

February 17, 2010

Bed Races

This is a fun, competitive, and physically and mentally challenging race. Students will race in teams using a bed, provided by PESC, as their vehicle, as they navigate through the obstacle course. Teams will race in heats, two at a time, and the overall shortest time dictates the winner.

Hosted by Purdue Engineering Student Council (PESC)

February 17, 2010

Engineering Education Outstanding Alumni Awards Dinner

Honoring Howard J. Gobstein, BS IDE, Technology and Public Policy, 1974.

Mr. Gobstein is Executive Officer; Vice President, Research, Innovation and STEM Education; and Co-Director, Science and Mathematics Teacher Imperative for the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities.

Contact Becky Fry; 765 49-69519 for more information.

February 17, 2010

LEED Lecture

A representative from Ingersoll Rand (IR) will discuss how IR works with building projects to develop LEED approved methods for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC). He'll be discussing what it takes to make a building LEED certified and the technologies and techniques IR has developed to help projects obtain LEED certification. Pizza and soda will be served and there will be time for Q&A.

Hosted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers

February 17, 2010

Forum: STEM Teacher Professional Development: Engineering in Context

An in-depth discussion sponsored by INSPIRE, Purdue’s Institute for P-12 Engineering Research and Learning, with support from the School of Engineering Education. Featuring Howard J. Gobstein, Executive Officer; Vice President, Research, Innovation and STEM Education; and Co-Director, Science and Mathematics Teacher Imperative of the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities.

If interested in attending, please contact Loretta McKinnis (, 494-3331).

February 18, 2010

E-Week Celebration

FREE fun, food, and fellowship open to all Engineering faculty, staff, and students. Hosted by the College of Engineering. Contact Linda Higgins for more information:
February 18, 2010

Sudoku Challenge

Come try your skills with easy, medium or hard sudoku puzzles. Times will be recorded with the current leader shown on a poster board throughout the day. At the end of the competition, winners for each category will be announced.
February 18, 2010

Phillip Bagwell Memorial Lecture Series

Guest speaker: Eugene A. Fitzgerald, the Merton C. Flemings-SMA Professor of Materials Engineering at MIT and Cornell University visiting professor, will share his expertise in the process of innovation during a talk at 3 p.m. Feb. 18 in Stewart Center's Fowler Hall at Purdue University. Free and open to the public.
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