College of Engineering - Faculty Affiliations with Divisions

The College of Engineering has defined the structure of a Division as an academic unit. According to this definition, a Division has a "unique and defined mission or purpose" and "operates for the collective benefits of the contributing schools and the college." However, there are no tenure-accruing faculty appointments allocated to the Divisions, so faculty may participate by affiliation. Currently, three Divisions exist in the College: Construction Engineering and Management, Engineering Professional Education, and Environmental and Ecological Engineering.

The nature of activities undertaken by the faculty affiliates will vary somewhat, depending on the specific Division. However, it is envisioned that faculty affiliates will contribute to the Divisions through activities such as:

  • Develop and teach courses (offered solely through the Division or co-listed with other Schools and Departments)
  • Provide input and vote on academic issues (curriculum content).
  • Advise undergraduate and graduate students in the Division.
  • Prepare and submit grant proposals.
  • Advise the Division on strategic and operational matters.
  • Be listed on the Division web site and informational material.

The types of affiliation and details of how the Division may support faculty affiliates for their contributions are described in the table on page 2. A faculty member may hold more than one type of affiliation. The "Compensation" and "Supplies and Expenses" columns refer to support provided by the Division on a case-by-case basis.

If a faculty member wishes to participate in a Division, he or she must obtain approval from the Division Head, and from the Head of the School or Department in which the faculty member holds a tenure-accruing appointment. At the discretion of the Division Head, input may also be sought from faculty who are already affiliated with that Division. Affiliation with the Division is subject to renewal, depending on the type of affiliation. In the case of Divisions that are in the launch phase (a period during which the only faculty affiliate is the Division Head), the necessary approvals for faculty affiliation will come from the Division Head and the School Department Head. The Division Head will provide a written input for each faculty member's annual review to the appropriate School Head.

# Affiliate Duration Tenure Compensation Supplies & Expenses
1 Joint Appointment 3 years renewable Parent School Salary Proportionate
2 Teaching Affiliate (1,2) Yearly Parent School Salary/Overload or no additional compensation Proportionate
3 Research Affiliate (1) Project Basis Parent School AY/Summer Salary as per Research Project or no additional compensation Proportionate; Research funds credited to Division accounts
4 Administrative Affiliate (1) Per Appointment Parent School Salary/Overload or no additional compensation Proportionate
5 Engagement Affiliate (1) Per Appointment Parent School Salary/Overload or no additional compensation Proportionate
6 Non-Purdue Research Affiliate (3) Project Basis N/A As per Research Contract Proportionate; Research funds credited to Division accounts
7 Non-tenure-track Faculty Appointment (3) - Lecturer, Visiting Faculty, Adjunct, Industry Person, etc. - Case by case with a defined maximum period of appointment N/A Case by case as agreed with the Division Head Proportionate

1  Affiliate types 2, 3, 4 and 5 may be granted Courtesy Appointments by the affiliating Division.

2 In the case of cross-listed courses, appropriate teaching assistant (TA) support for the faculty affiliates to be provided by the School cross-listing the course, and additional TA support to be provided by the Divisions if required.

3 The details of 6 and 7 will require further discussion within Purdue.



Dan Hirleman, Inez Hua, Klod Kokini and Bill Oakes

• Faculty will be hired into Divisions using the guidelines of the document approved by ELT on April 26, 2007 entitled "CoE-Faculty Affiliations with Divisions".

• For faculty with joint appointments in a division and a school, percent appointments will be made using guidelines of the CoE for similar appointments in all schools, i.e.., for Assistant Professors, joint appointment in the division will not exceed 25%. For more senior faculty, the appointment could be higher, but not more than 50%.

• The work load of the faculty will be decided jointly by the Heads of the school and division and the faculty member.

• Promotion and tenure decisions will be made in the home school, since a division is not a tenure granting unit.

• The Division will determine the total number of FTE's necessary to "deliver" a degree program. The necessary FTE's will be submitted to the Dean, together with a plan 011 how to provide such FTE's. The faculty working on such degree will come from existing faculty, and as necessary from new faculty hired into schools with joint appointment in the division.

• The Division will also have a curriculum committee who will provide guidance in issues such as cross-listing courses in the Division with the schools.