Quantum algorithms for computational mechanics

Interdisciplinary Areas: Data and Engineering Applications, Innovation and Making

Project Description

This project will explore the development of quantum algorithms for application to computational continuum mechanics. While the field of quantum computing is still in its infancy and the hardware is in a developmental phase, it is of paramount importance to start developing the necessary theory and computational algorithms to exploit the quantum computing technology as it becomes available. This project will explore many critical questions that must be addressed to evaluate the impact and performance of quantum technology for material design and analysis. More specifically, this project will develop theoretical methods to mathematically reformulate classical mechanical systems (such as elastic or electromagnetic continua) in a form that is suitable to be simulated on quantum computers. Once the physical problem is described in the proper mathematical form, we will address its numerical solution by developing dedicated computational algorithms.
The postdoctoral researcher will perform theoretical, numerical, and experimental work at the interface of quantum mechanics, quantum computing, and continuum mechanics. The selected candidate will utilize the state-of-the-art facilities at Purdue University in order to perform theoretical and computational work.

Start Date


Postdoc Qualifications

PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Electrical Engineering or closely related fields. Experience in quantum mechanics, quantum computing, and computational physics is preferred. 


Fabio Semperlotti
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering (courtesy)
Structural Health Monitoring and Dynamics Laboratory

Pramey Upadhyaya
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering


• T.-W. Liu and F. Semperlotti, “Tunable Acoustic Valley–Hall Edge States in Reconfigurable Phononic Elastic Waveguides,” Phys. Rev. Appl., vol. 9, 014001, 2018.
• T. W. Liu and F. Semperlotti, “Classical Analogue to the Kitaev Model and Majoranalike Topological Bound States,” Phys. Rev. Appl., vol. 20, 014019, 2023.
• J Tang, Q Shao, P Upadhyaya, PK Amiri, KL Wang, “Electric control of magnetic devices for spintronic computing”, Spintronics-based Computing, 53-112, 2015.
• ST Konakanchi, MM Rahman, S Datta, P Upadhyaya, “Magnetic octupole p-bits in chiral antiferromagnets: Towards robust and ultra-fast probabilistic computing”, Bulletin of the American Physical Society
• ST Konakanchi, JI Väyrynen, YP Chen, P Upadhyaya, LP Rokhinson, “Platform for braiding Majorana modes with magnetic skyrmions”, Physical Review Research 5 (3), 033109