Developing in-situ synchrotron X-ray capabilities to examine the multiphysics of transient particle interaction processes

Interdisciplinary Areas: Data and Engineering Applications, Autonomous and Connected Systems, Innovation and Making, Future Manufacturing, Others

Project Description

Advanced manufacturing processes with granular materials (e.g., sintering or powder compaction) often involve high potential electric fields, dynamic loading, and large strains. As such, our fundamental knowledge needs to expand towards understanding the complex multiphysics involved to best optimize these processes. This will be achieved with an integration of novel capabilities integrated with synchrotron X-rays to examine the complex multi-particle interactions of large granular systems in operando. Results will also potentially help further validate large multi-particle computational simulations to improve models. The success of the project will eventually lead towards a workflow for guided materials design. 

Start Date

Jan 02, 2025

Postdoc Qualifications

Kolsky bar and mechanical wave propagation knowledge, solution of nonlinear PDEs, computational simulations and modeling for multiphysics, building novel diagnostic capabilities (i.e. CAD design, integration with synchrotron X-rays), preferably with knowledge of manufacturing processes.


Prof. Zherui Martinez-Guo,, Purdue AAE

Prof. Marcial Gonzalez,, Purdue ME 


1) Martins, Pedro HC, and Marcial Gonzalez. "A process-based pore network model construction for granular packings under large plastic deformations." Transport in Porous Media 145.1 (2022): 45-72.

2) Gorman, Andrew James, and Jorgen Fredrick Rufner. New Materials and an Efficient Processing Approach for Materials for Harsh Environments–Continuous Electric Field Assisted Sintering. No. INL/CON-23-72400-Rev000. Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2023.

3) Parab, Niranjan D., et al. "Dynamic fracture behavior of single and contacting Poly (methyl methacrylate) particles." Advanced Powder Technology 28.11 (2017): 2929-2939.

4) Parab, Niranjan D., et al. "Fracture mechanisms of glass particles under dynamic compression." International Journal of Impact Engineering 106 (2017): 146-154.