Purdue Society of Professional Engineers

The Purdue Society of Professional Engineers is affiliated with the National Society of Professional Engineers, the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers and the AA Potter chapter in Indiana. All of these organizations have outstanding reputations and are well known in the engineering field. The goal of this organization and its parent organizations is to promote professionalism, leadership and ethics within the engineering profession. PSPE puts on large events including Research Roundtable, Order of the Engineer, Mathcounts, PE/FE Panels, and industry workshops. In addition, bi-weekly general meetings are hosted for members where topics not limited to but including career paths, ethics, effective communication, networking, professional development, and research are discussed.

Preferred Abbreviation: PSPE

Fall 2021 Organization President: Rianna Blakeney

Description: The Purdue Society of Professional Engineers is affiliated with the National Society of Professional Engineers, the Indiana Society of Professional Engineers and the AA Potter chapter in Indiana. All of these organizations have outstanding reputations and are well known in the engineering field. The goal of this organization and its parent organizations is to promote professionalism, leadership and ethics within the engineering profession. PSPE puts on large events including Research Roundtable, Order of the Engineer, Mathcounts, PE/FE Panels, and industry workshops. In addition, bi-weekly general meetings are hosted for members where topics not limited to but including career paths, ethics, effective communication, networking, professional development, and research are discussed.

Website: https://purduepspe.com/

Requirements for Joining: Be in an any engineering major (FYE included). Pay either semester dues of $15 or academic year dues of $25. Attend at least two club events (general meetings, events, facility tours, etc.) throughout the semester.

Approximate weekly time commitment: 1 hour/week (various opportunities for additional involvement)

Type of organization: Professional

Disciplines of engineering involved: AAE, ABE, BME, CE, CEM, ChemE, EE, CompE, EEE, IE, MSE, ME, NE, IDE, MDE, ALL OF THE ABOVE