Learn from experienced professionals how to strengthen your teaching.
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EACC Resources Page
Check out our EACC GoogleDoc, which is continually being updated with new Postdoc and Tenure Track positions, Future Faculty Workshop information at other institutions, and helpful videos and websites for finding the job of your dreams! If you have any additional postings to add, please email EACCPurdue@gmail.com.
Do you know what other Teaching Resources are available to you at Purdue? No? Check out our Purdue Teaching Resources Q&A below!
Purdue Teaching Resources Q&A:
Q1: What resources does Purdue offer to prepare me for Teaching in my future career as a faculty member?
A1: There are a number of opportunities within specific schools as well as at the University level in order to teach and learn how to teach effectively. All known opportunities are listed below. Please email jem@purdue.edu if there are known resources not listed here.
- Center for Instructional Excellence
- Open to both Graduate Students and PostDocs
- Certificate programs
- Foundations Certificate: Attend four workshops and write reflections for each one. Helpful for learning an overview of evidence-based teaching practices and strategies.
- Practice Certificate: Inquiry based. Design, implement, and reflect on a small scholarly project in their teaching throughout a semester while working with a mentor (this is not limited to traditional courses, so some do it as mentoring in a lab).
- Summer Course Design Institute
- This is a competitive capstone project. The Institute offers a small stipend and has participants participate in a 6-day intensive program over the summer designing a course that they will teach on their own. In addition to the competitive application process, the department needs to agree to allow them to design and teach the course.
- College of Engineering
- School of Engineering Education Teaching and Learning in Engineering Graduate Certificate offered on campus and Online.
- College of Engineering Dean’s Teaching Fellowship
- Mechanical Engineering Ward A. Lambert Graduate Teaching Fellowship
- Aeronautics and Astronautics Teaching Scholarship Program
- Lyles Civil Engineering Teaching Fellow
- Find more information about the programs above on the College Teaching Experiences page.
Q2: What other resources might help me pursue an academic career?
A2: If you are interested in pursuing an academic career, then it is important to focus on three pillars: Teaching, Research/proposal writing, and Advising/Mentoring. It is also important to refine your application materials to make sure you put your best foot forward. Here are some additional opportunities available within the College of Engineering/Purdue.
- Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) and Pre-professional Advising
- Learn how to ace your video interview, by scheduling a mock interview with the CCO. Record a practice interview on Big Interview first!
- Be a SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships) or REU (Research experience for Undergrads) mentor
- Ask your PI to invest in a summer research student and request to mentor this student.
- Other Mentoring, Outreach, Teaching opportunities that might be available through your engineering school including mentoring high school/middle school students.
- Communication Workshops
- Refine your skills and application materials
- Open to enrolled engineering graduate students, post-docs, and visiting scholars
- Future Engineering Faculty and Professionals (FEFP) Workshop Series
- Determine which career path is right for you.
- By Grad Students, For Grad Students Workshop Series
- Propose your own topic and gain experience giving your own workshop.
- Contact Joanne Lax at jlax@purdue.edu for more information.
- New Workshop Series!
Q3: How can I stand out on the job market?
- Know your motivation: Why do you want to become a professor/faculty member? Make sure this shines through in your materials.
- Be prepared: Take time and get feedback on your statements and application package. Ensure that you are putting your strongest foot forward during the application cycle.
- Obtain as much experience as possible: Enhance both your teaching and research experiences and attend a Future Faculty workshop (see tab in EACC resources GoogleDoc for more information).

Engage with students through a variety of teaching opportunities.
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We have many opportunities available to gain certificates, fellowships, and more while you gain valuable teaching experience.
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