Dr. Jomei Chang
Chairman and CEO, QilinSoft LLC

When I came to the U.S. 30 years ago, I didn’t know anyone and barely spoke English. Purdue accepted me and offered me a $125-a-month scholarship. Education provided me the opportunity to found multiple companies and to pioneer technologies that have transformed industries. Education makes people equal, and innovation moves them ahead.
A widely recognized entrepreneur and inventor, JoMei Chang has been profiled in major publications for her business leadership. Red Herring named her a “Top Ten Entrepreneur.” Forbes called her “a woman of substance.” Fortune named her one of the new, leading “eCEOs.” And BusinessWeek named her an “Entrepreneur of the Year” for 2000.
Chang arrived in the United States in 1974 as a graduate student at Purdue University. During the next ten years, she transformed herself into a world-class researcher, becoming the first woman researcher in computer science at the presti-gious AT&T Bell Laboratories. There, she invented and patented the first reliable multicast protocol.
In 1984, Chang helped found Teknekron Software Systems (now TIBCO). She pioneered the first digital Trader Workstation, which revolutionized Wall Street information systems.
In 1994, Chang turned her attention to one of the top three problems facing corporate CIOs: that of integrating disparate IT systems. She founded Vitria to pioneer a new approach to integration, based on business process management. This revolutionary approach to integration has impacted many industries, from manufacturing to telecommunications. Chang led Vitria into IPO in 1999—one of the most successful technology IPOs that year.
In 2004, Chang founded QilinSoft, a company that sells integration technology to China. As a native Chinese, she obtained instant success in this large but untapped market.
Chang holds a BS in computer science from National ChiaoTung University in Taiwan, and a PhD in electrical engineering from Purdue, where she specialized in database management systems.
Chang arrived in the United States in 1974 as a graduate student at Purdue University. During the next ten years, she transformed herself into a world-class researcher, becoming the first woman researcher in computer science at the presti-gious AT&T Bell Laboratories. There, she invented and patented the first reliable multicast protocol.
In 1984, Chang helped found Teknekron Software Systems (now TIBCO). She pioneered the first digital Trader Workstation, which revolutionized Wall Street information systems.
In 1994, Chang turned her attention to one of the top three problems facing corporate CIOs: that of integrating disparate IT systems. She founded Vitria to pioneer a new approach to integration, based on business process management. This revolutionary approach to integration has impacted many industries, from manufacturing to telecommunications. Chang led Vitria into IPO in 1999—one of the most successful technology IPOs that year.
In 2004, Chang founded QilinSoft, a company that sells integration technology to China. As a native Chinese, she obtained instant success in this large but untapped market.
Chang holds a BS in computer science from National ChiaoTung University in Taiwan, and a PhD in electrical engineering from Purdue, where she specialized in database management systems.