Negative Capacitance-enabled Quantum Metamaterials: a route to higher operating temperature quantum materials and technologies
Interdisciplinary Areas: | Micro-, Nano-, and Quantum Engineering |
Project Description
This project will explore a new paradigm of designing quantum materials via engineering Coulomb interactions into previously unavailable regimes by exploiting the negative capacitance ferroelectrics, with the aim of developing quantum devices with beyond state-of-the-art figure of merits (e.g. operating temperatures). We will explore designing FE/DE heterostructures, where the response of spontaneously polarized FE order to external E-fields can stabilize the FE layer locally in the negative capacitance phase [1,2]. Thus, the FE layer in such heterostructures behaves as a region with effective negative permittivity even in the static limit, adding a new “negative axis” for Coulomb engineering [3]! Most strikingly, for electrons embedded between FE and DE layers (e.g. in FE/2D electron gas/DE heterostructures), the effective permittivity seen by the electrons can thus approach 0 and even change sign, signaling a promising route to engineer significantly enhanced repulsive and attractive Coulomb interactions in solid-state to synthesize quantum matter. The postdoctoral researcher will perform theoretical, numerical, and/or experimental work (depending on the background and interests) at the interface of condensed matter and quantum science and engineering. The selected candidate will utilize the state-of-the-art facilities and get an opportunity to interact with experimentalists and theorists via quantum centers at the Purdue.
Start Date
Post Doc Qualifications
PhD in Physics, Electrical Engineering, Chemistry, Material Science and Engineering or closely related fields. Experience in condensed matter, quantum optics and/or quantum science and engineering is preferred.
1) Pramey Upadhyaya
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2) Supriyo Datta
Thomas Duncan Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3) Yong Chen
Karl Lark-Horovitz Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Director of Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute
[2] Salahuddin, S. & Datta, S. Use of Negative Capacitance to Provide Voltage Amplification for Low Power Nanoscale Devices. Nano Lett. 8, 405–410 (2008).
[3] Raja, A. et al. Coulomb engineering of the bandgap and excitons in two-dimensional materials. Nat Commun 8, 15251 (2017).
[4] Wang, G. et al. Colloquium: Excitons in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides. Rev. Mod. Phys. 90, 021001 (2018).