2019 News

May 17, 2019

Wearables in Healthcare: Are They Reliable and Secure?

Wearables are quickly evolving from somewhat gimmicky gadgets to active partners in our healthcare. These smart electronic devices track everything from bread-and-butter fitness indicators like steps taken and hours slept to complex data like fluctuations in heart rate. These devices can be our partners as we work toward innovative solutions to improve preventive medicine and quick response. Simply put, people increasingly want to take ownership of their own health.
May 14, 2019

Driverless Go kart Team Brings Fast Pace to Speedway

Purdue students have long been involved in what’s called the Greatest Month in Racing, a set of motorsports events culminating in the running of the Indianapolis 500 every Memorial Day weekend. Festivities and competitions fill the month of May, including the evGrand Prix — a set of competitive races for smaller electric vehicles (go-karts) among high school and collegiate design teams.
May 13, 2019

AAE's Howell Honored with Morrill Award

Kathleen Howell, the Hsu Lo Distinguished Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, was honored May 7 with the highest honor that Purdue confers onto a member of its faculty.
May 13, 2019

Record-breaking graduation

2019's Spring commencement proved to be a milestone for the Purdue College of Engineering. In addition to being the largest commencement ever for the College, it also was the first time that the CoE graduates around 2,000 students with bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degrees in the spring alone.
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