Happy 120th Anniversary

On behalf of the faculty, students, staff and alumni of the School of Industrial Engineering, I congratulate the College of Engineering on its 120th anniversary!

Everything we do as engineers is ultimately for the betterment of the human condition – whether it is for an individual, an organization, or the society at large. Industrial engineering (IE), by its definition, focuses on creating efficient solutions for humans and the systems in which they function. Since its founding in 1955, the School has played a key role in making the College a special place where students and scholars from all over the globe have created solutions that make the world a better place.

For example, IE pioneers like Lillian Gilbreth, the first female engineering faculty member at Purdue and the first woman to be elected to the National Academy of Engineering, revolutionized everything from surgical operating theaters to refrigerator door shelves; Alan Pritsker, a scholar and entrepreneur, made digital simulation a practical tool for industry, thereby speeding up the design cycle significantly and reducing the need for expensive physical experimentation; and Moshe Barash, whose visionary research led to the award of one of the first NSF Engineering Research Centers, made Purdue the epicenter of the computerized manufacturing revolution in the 1970s, which was the precursor to today’s Industry 4.0 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Today, the School continues to help the College be a leader in defining and extending the frontiers of engineering. We are ReThinking IE to make a lasting impact on the post-pandemic world by conducting research that includes efficient healthcare delivery to underserved populations around the world; resilient supply chains that function effectively despite unforeseen disruptions; personalized products and services tailored to meet diverse individual needs; and safe work environments for well, aging and disabled populations. We are ReInventing IE educational programs to transform the learning process from a “just-in-case” to a “just-in-time” experience. We continue to pursue ways to make the on-campus and online experiences more engaging and prepare our students for impactful futures, following in the footprints our highly successful alumni across many industries. Our No. 1-ranked Online MS degree and the recently announced Professional Master's Program provide new graduates and professionals opportunities to stay competitive and gain real-world problem-solving experiences.

For a sample of how our School is meeting the challenges of navigating an increasingly complex world, listen to this “Purdue Engineering Podcast” with Professor Shimon Nof from the School of Industrial Engineering.

As we maneuver through these turbulent times, the importance of engineering solutions that enhance well-being of all humans and celebrate the richness of the diversity of human experiences has never been more evident. Industrial Engineering is proud to stand with our fellow Boilermaker engineers to celebrate the past, and to look ahead to helping create a prosperous, equitable and verdant world for all.


Hail Purdue!

Abhi Deshmukh
James J. Solberg Head and Tompkins Chair of Systems
School of Industrial Engineering