Definition of "Division" in the CoE
The following definition of "Division" of the College of Engineering was adopted by the Engineering Leadership Team (ELT).
A "Division" of the College of Engineering (CoE) is defined as an independent unit with a unique and defined mission or purpose. The administrative Director or Head of a division reports directly to the Dean of Engineering and participates as a voting member of the Engineering Leadership Team (EL T). A division of the CoE has all of the academic and admlnistrative rights and responsibilities as a Department or a School. Specifically, a Division within CoE must have the following attributes:
1. A new Division of the College of Engineering may be established through a motion and positive vote of the ELT and the approval of the Dean of the College of Engineering. A Division must be reviewed for continuation once every 5 years. A plan for financial sustain ability and space requests must accompany the motion.
2. A Division is an academic unit within the College of Engineering and thus manages, supports and offers inter-disciplinary curricula and degree(s) at the undergraduate and/or graduate levels. Collaborative efforts of faculty can lead to new courses, certificates, areas of specialization, fields of study and degrees to promote inter-disciplinary academic programs that rely on the strengths of the schools/departments that primarily offer disciplinary academic programs.
3. A Faculty member wishing to participate in the Division will retain their appointments in their "tenure-home" unit (school/dept), but may have a courtesy or joint appointment in the Division.*
4. Undergraduate and graduate students in the inter-disciplinary academic programs will be mentored by the participating faculty.
5. A Division will also be an administrative unit within the College of Engineering. As such the Division will have a Head and the responsibility for preparing and managing resources. The Head reports to the Dean, and is a voting member of the ELT.
6. The Division Head will work with School Heads in preparing annual evaluations etc. of the faculty who contribute to academic programs in the Division. In addition, the Division Head will recommend salary adjustments for Division Staff members.
7. The Division Head will not be a voting member of the Engineering Area Promotion Committee. The Head will, however, work with the School Heads to ensure that faculty contributions to the Division activities are appropriately documented and acknowledged in the annual evaluations and the P&T process.
8. A Division will not have tenure-accruing faculty appointments. A Division must, therefore, develop academic programs by fostering collaborations and relying on inter-disciplinary activities among the faculty in CoE schools/departments and other Purdue faculty as needed.
9. A Division is not intended to be a sub-unit within a single COE school/department. A Division must represent the collaborative efforts of multiple schools/departments, and operates for the collective benefits of the contributing schools and the college.
* The Engineering Area Promotion Committee (EAPC) will review and define the specific policy for joint and courtesy appointments with Divisions.