Andrew 'AJ' Metcalf
Dr. Andrew ‘AJ’ Metcalf earned his master’s degree and PhD from Purdue University in 2012 and 2015, respectively. He is currently the Space Enterprise Engagement Lead, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). Dr. Metcalf leads engagements with partners throughout the Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community, industry, and academia. He serves as the Deputy to the Deputy Technology Executive Officer for Space S&T (DTEO) and coordinates AFRL’s space science and technology investment strategy, ensuring synchronization with the tech needs for USSF, Space Operations Command, and Space Systems Command.
Prior to AFRL, Dr. Metcalf held positions with Harley-Davidson’s Product Development Center, Purdue University’s Ultrafast Optics and Optical Fiber Communications Laboratory, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
In 2018, he joined AFRL’s Strategic Atomic Navigation Devices Systems (SANDS) program at Kirtland AFB, where he stood up a new photonics laboratory and expanded the programs research portfolio to pursue new applications in photonics and precision timing. In 2019 Dr. Metcalf led the Quantum Sensing Timing (QST) program, a 34-member team developing advanced PNT technology. From 2020 through 2021 Dr. Metcalf served as the Mission Lead for Space Communication and PNT within AFRL’s Space Vehicles Directorate.