Dr. Gene Strull

Vice President, Technology, and General Manager, Advanced Technology Division, retired
Westinghouse Electric Corporation

Gene Strull
The 'high' in high tech means high rate of change. The specific electives chosen are less important than a solid basic engineering education, and learning how to think.

In 1951 Gene Strull received his BS in electrical engineering from Purdue. After completing work for his master's and doctoral degrees, he began work at Westinghouse Electric Corporation where he spent his entire career. At Westinghouse, Strull started the first semiconductor device laboratory in a defense systems environment and patented the first molecular electronics device.

As vice president, technology, he was responsible for the development and manufacture of advanced electronic components and technology initiatives including work with silicon and gallium arsenide integrated circuits, microwave devices, visible and IR sensors, acousto-optics devices, and superconductors.

Strull holds a total of 21 U.S. patents, is contributing author to two books, has written more than 50 publications, and has given hundreds of talks and seminars. He was featured on national television in “The High Tech Shoot-Out.” A Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Strull was awarded the EASCON Government Industry Service Award in 1987 and the IEEE Frederik Philips Award in 1988 for his work with microelectronics and integrated circuit developments and their applications to aerospace systems. In 1991 Westinghouse awarded him the company's highest honor, the Order of Merit, and upon his retirement named the advanced technology laboratories in Baltimore the “Gene Strull Technology Center.”

Strull serves on the Army Science Board, the NASA Advisory Council of the Defense Science Board, Naval Research Advisory Committee, National Academy of Sciences, and the National Science Foundation.