All Versions of 150th Mark

All Versions of 150th Mark

Reminder: For maximum impact and legibility, clear space must be left around the mark. It may be placed on top of images, but no other typography or images should appear inside this clear space. Use the height of the ‘5’ in ‘150’ as a tool for measuring proper clear space as shown.

150th Mark Solid - Primary mark

This mark can be used at any scale, large or small printing as well as digital. 

150th Mark Rays - Secondary mark

This mark should only be used as a focal point in communications, large scale printing and merch that can handle the fine tune detail.

Improper Use

Here are a few practices to avoid in using the 150th celebration mark. Adhering to these rules will ensure the mark is recognizable to all audiences.

  • Do not change the colors of the mark from the versions provided.
  • Do not stretch or place the mark diagonally or on its side.
  • Do not typeset any written aspects of the mark.
  • Do not use the mark on complex backgrounds or color elements with poor contrast.
  • Do use TM version of the mark for merchandise purposes.