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Research: Expanding the boundaries of science and technology

Few colleges can match the depth and breadth of Purdue Engineering’s research capabilities and talent. We are focused on 21st century impact — leading the way in reshaping the research universe through discovery and innovation.

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Respected for its prestige. Known for its community.

ECE Student from Seattle says life at Purdue blends academic rigor, social life and discovery

What brings a West Coaster like Brynne Hunt to a university in the heart of the Midwest for her undergrad years? She has one answer for that.

“I'm the direct byproduct of STEM community outreach,” she says, laughing.

When Brynne was growing up in Seattle in the early 2000s, the city was beginning what would become a staggering tech boom. One of the outcomes? The major tech and aerospace companies offered significant community outreach, especially to young women. And Brynne caught the bug.

In particular, she loved space, and the programs that helped cultivate that interest empowered her to see herself as an engineer someday. And when she was old enough, Brynne was given the opportunity to attend an aerospace-themed high school — which, of course, she took full advantage of.

Her schoolwork led to internships and networking throughout high school, helping narrow her interest to rockets. And when it came to discussing college plans with those members of the tech community, no matter who she asked, the answer always came up looking gold and black. “Rockets?” they would say; “Go to Purdue University!”

She heard it over and over.

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