Daniel Ocampo

Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University

Daniel Ocampo

Daniel Ocampo received his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering (ME) in 2018 from Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia. For two years at The University of Texas at San Antonio, he lectured, conducted experiments at the Materials Engineering Lab, and encouraged students from all backgrounds to engage in theoretical and experimental learning with the goal of deepening their involvement in STEM. Currently, he is a PhD student in ME at Texas A&M University, where his work integrates advanced methodologies in atomistic modeling, augmented by artificial intelligence and machine learning. He pioneered contributions considered critical for the development of new low-dimensional materials with applications in renewable energy, biomedical engineering, and ultra-high efficiency energy storage. In a faculty position, Ocampo will seek out collaborations and harness techniques such as scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy to confirm simulation predictions. As a professor, he plans to develop an entry-level course in atomistic modeling tailored specifically for ME students. In addition, he envisions designing a mixed-level class focused on the design, analysis, and fabrication of materials that show promise in solving complex engineering challenges. In response to a growing need for engineers proficient in coding and programming, each of his courses will incorporate these skills. His future research group will embody an inclusive community that serves the nation’s needs.

Research Interests

Computational materials, solid mechanics, materials science