Alberto Castillo

Civil Engineering, Purdue University

Alberto Castillo

Alberto Castillo has been a student of civil engineering (CE) at Purdue University since 2016, earning his bachelor’s degree in 2020, his master’s degree in 2022, and now pursuing his PhD. He is exploring innovative approaches for utilizing alternative materials and waste in concrete production to reduce environmental impact, improve pavement durability, and enhance the resilience of infrastructure systems. He also is passionate about addressing climate change by reducing the carbon footprint associated with concrete production and construction processes. By optimizing mix designs and promoting low-carbon alternatives, he hopes to contribute to a more sustainable future. As a MSCE student, his project with the Federal Highway Administration to evaluate nontraditional and natural pozzolans in concretes was selected as the best thesis in CE and at Purdue overall. With the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Castillo’s mentoring efforts have resulted in broadened participation in engineering programs and graduate school. He has supervised the research efforts of eight students, including those participating in summer research programs. Cognizant of the potential for stereotypes to arise when addressing underrepresented minorities, he will foster an environment that encourages cultural awareness and respectful collaboration. Challenging students to think critically and move beyond memorization will be paramount in a future professorship. He also will incorporate diverse perspectives and accommodate different learning styles to ensure equitable participation.

Research Interests

Concrete, Cement, Pavement, Sustainability, Durability, Pozzolans