Abraham O. Atte

Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

Abraham O. Atte

Abraham O. Atte earned his bachelors degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Kansas in 2020 before moving on to the aerospace engineering program at Georgia Institute of Technology (GT), where he received his masters degree in 2022, earned a certificate from the Center for Teaching and Learning in 2024, and currently is a fourth-year PhD student. His research, funded through the Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence, focuses on aerodynamic performance of vehicles in complex flow environments. His work has demonstrated the effects of configuration selection on multirotor aerodynamic interactions and the effects of flight near boundaries in confined spaces, resulting in four published papers and presentations at multiple conferences. Through his involvement with GTs International Ambassadors, he connects international students with resources on and off campus and helps them adapt to their new environment. As an instructor with the Georgia Space Grant Program, Atte exposes children to engineering concepts through interactive classes and exercises to promote his overarching goal of increasing diversity in the aerospace industry. Transitioning into a faculty role, he will seek collaborators to investigate vibrations and aeroacoustics, which he predicts will play significant roles in passenger comfort and noise reduction. A firm believer in assessments, he will equip students to become self-sufficient learners by intertwining theory, real-world problems, and evidence-based teaching practices.

Research Interests

Rotorcraft vehicle performance, aerodynamics, vertical lift and urban air mobility