Fellowship Awardees 2021

Ria D. Corder
Ria Corder will collaborate with co-advisors, Dr. Arezoo Ardekani, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and Dr. Kendra Erk, Associate Professor of Materials Engineering, on research in the area of rheology of concentrated particle suspensions. She earned her PhD in Chemical Engineering at North Carolina State University. Ria’s research focus is in applying principles from rheology, fluid dynamics, and polymer science in the design of soft composite materials.
David J. Gunderman
David Gunderman will work with co-advisors Dr. Hector Gomez, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and Dr. Craig Goergen, the Leslie A. Geddes Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, in the research of software framework for numerical algorithms for the high-order immersed boundary method in cardiovascular simulation. He received his PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Colorado – Boulder. David’s research expertise lies in computational science, high-performance computing, numerical methods for partial differential equations, and computational geometry.