Albert Mondero

Software And Systems Analyst

Campus: West Lafayette
Office: EE 270
Phone: (765) 494-4326

Unit and Group Affiliations


Al Mondero is the Assistant Computer Systems Analyst for Civil Engineering since October of 1999. Born and raised in Chicago, Al graduated from Purdue with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Technology. After graduation, he worked as a Hardware Assistant at Civil Engineering for a few months before moving on to his current position.

Al's day usually begins by checking e-mail and then the queue. His tasks during the day are usually determined by what is on the priority list of the queue sent by students, staff, and faculty. Some of Al's many tasks are installing software, install and fix hardware, network support, and fix computers. Once in a while, he will check on the computer labs in Civil Engineering whenever help is needed there. According to Al, the most challenging part of being the Assistant Computer Systems Analyst is managing the daily tasks accordingly and accommodating the high demands of the people in Civil Engineering.

As the Assistant Computer Systems Analyst for Civil Engineering, Al assists Josh Harley, Manager of Civil Engineering Computing Facilities, in everyday tasks. Al also checks the queue that he and Josh share. Besides that, he also helps senior design students in the School of Civil Engineering with software used for their projects. When not at work, Al spends most of his time with his wife and two kids. He also collects comic books (some of which are autographed to him) and, rare and import CDs.