College of Engineering Faculty Excellence Award for Online Education

Purpose: The purpose of this award is to recognize a faculty member or lecturer in the College of Engineering for excellence in course development and pedagogy of an online education course.

Due: February 1, 2024

Eligibility: Faculty and lecturers who teach academic credit online or distance courses who have not received this award within the past five years.


An online education activity comprises an organized set of instructional objectives, content, and processes designed to be presented to learners who are separated in space (synchronous or asynchronous) from the instructor or from traditional on-campus classrooms. Examples of learning activities include, but are not limited to, credit courses, short courses, workshops, and seminars.


Course(s) must have been taught during at least one of the immediately preceding two regular semesters of nomination or summer session. To qualify for an award for excellence in online education, a faculty or lecturer must have developed or taught an online education activity (or collection of activities) for credit that clearly demonstrates impact and evidence of impact. Examples of impact could include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Significant positive impact on online and/or distance student learning, as reflected by program evaluations (formative and summative) or other documentation of impact.
  • Impact on workforce development by integration of industry-provided input as evidenced by course co-development or co-teaching activities.
  • Ability to reach a wide audience or significant number of non-traditional students as evidenced by course enrollment.
  • Novel pedagogy and/or technology that create significant new opportunities in the online education arena and/or result in enhanced student learning.


  • Candidates may be nominated by any faculty or staff member, alumnus or student of the College of Engineering.
  • The nomination package should include:
    1. Completed cover sheet.
    2. One letter of nomination (no longer than two pages) that addresses how the nominee has demonstrated excellence in meeting the award criteria.
    3. A one page summary of the off-campus/online courses taught that includes the term, location and enrollment.
    4. Three letters of support (no longer than one page each). Two from current or past students, industry or non-Purdue professors who co-developed or co-instructors, and one from a Purdue faculty member who is knowledgeable about the nominee’s approach to online education. Letter writers should explicitly address the award criteria.
    5. The above documents should be combined into a single PDF file.
    6. A complete curriculum vitae is to be submitted separately.
  • The awardee will receive a cash award of $2,500, an individual plaque, and will be honored during the annual faculty awards banquet.
  • If multiple nominations for one individual are received, the nominators will be contacted and asked to collborate in order to submit one nomination package.
  • Self-nominations are not accepted.