Purdue Day of Giving Design Challenge

Event Date: April 26, 2023
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Location: Armstrong Atrium
Contact Name: Liz Klumpe
Contact Email: eklumpe@purdue.edu
Open To: All College of Engineering Students
Priority: No
College Calendar: Show
Join us for the inaugural College of Engineering Purdue Day of Giving Design Challenge. Show off your design skills and win prizes! Cheer on Engineering head + student teams as they golf for Engineering student organizations and school funds. Fuel up at EMT and Kona Ice food trucks.

Open to all College of Engineering students. Sign up with members of your club to form a team or sign up on an open team—up to four members per team.

Where: Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering Herman & Heddy Kurz Atrium, Siegfried Garden Plaza (south of ARMS Atrium)

When: Wednesday, April 26, 1:00-3:00 p.m.



1:00-2:45 p.m. Head + Student Team Golf Challenge

1:00-2:45p.m. Fly a Paper Airplane Individual Challenge (open times)

1:00 p.m. Egg Drop Team Challenge

2:00 p.m. Build a Tower Team Challenge

2:45 p.m. Awards Ceremony

3:00 Event Concludes




Head + Student Team Golf Challenge: Heads of the College of Engineering will team up with a student from their school to play three holes of mini-golf on the Siegfried Garden Plaza south of the ARMS atrium. The team with the lowest number of strokes wins. The other players are encouraged to make a gift on Purdue Day of Giving to the student organization or school fund selected by the winning team.


Fly a Paper Airplane Individual Challenge: In this walk-up challenge you’ll be provided with materials and five minutes to make a paper airplane. The airplane that flies the farthest wins! One winning player will receive a $50 gift card to Flying High Tea. 


Egg Drop Team Challenge: Teams will be supplied with materials and given 20 minutes to build a nest. The team that is able to drop an egg into their nest from the highest bridge in the ARMS atrium without breaking it wins! Playoffs may be required. All players on the winning team receive a $50 gift card to Another Broken Egg.  Sign up for the Egg Drop Team Challenge: bit.ly/pdog-eggdrop


Build a Tower Challenge: Teams will be supplied with pasta and marshmallows. The team that is able to build the tallest tower in 20 minutes without it falling over wins! Playoffs may be required. All players on the winning team receive a $50 gift card to La Scala.  Sign up for the Build A Tower Team Challenge: bit.ly/pdog-tower


Make a gift on Purdue Day of Giving to support your favorite engineering student organization or school fund at: dayofgiving.purdue.edu/leader. Select West Lafayette Student Organizations and the unit of your choice or “Other” and write in the name of the organization.