Office of Graduate Assistance (OGA)


The Office of Graduate Assistance (OGA) is available to meet with Purdue University graduate students to assist them in addressing a variety of issues that may arise during the course of a student's time at the University.

The OGA will provide impartial, independent, and informal assistance with reference to your concerns based on our knowledge of University policy, practice and personnel without judgement.

Examples of concerns brought to the OGA include, but are not limited to:

  • Authorship disputes - Issues of credit, acknowledgement, citation (unless framed clearly as plagiarism)
  • Funding concerns
  • Grade concerns and/or appeals
  • Student - Major Professor relationship disputes, issues, abnormalities, mismatch of expectations
  • Mentoring issues - timely feedback, contradicting advice, oversharing, lack of advising (or time allotment)
  • Intellectual property disputes
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Questionable research practices

Important Links:

Ombuds Services

Mediation Services

Fellowship Office