Future Faculty Diversity Program

Event Date: October 3, 2021
Hosted By: Virginia Tech Office for Inclusion and Diversity
Location: Virtual
Contact Name: Dr. Erica Cooper
Contact Email: ffdp@vt.edu
Open To: Graduate Student and Postdocs
Priority: No
College Calendar: Show
The Virginia Tech Office for Inclusion and Diversity is pleased to announce the upcoming Fall 2021 Future Faculty Diversity Program (FFDP), scheduled to occur virtually October 3-5, 2021. The registration portal is now open and will remain open until August 23rd.

FFDP is designed to assist departments with identifying and recruiting talent from historically underrepresented United States domestic minority populations such as African-Americans, Hispanics/Latinx, American Indian/Alaska Natives, and Pacific Islanders. The goal of this program is to identify talented and diverse scholars that could succeed at Virginia Tech and to make offers of employment to competitive candidates. OID will recruit broadly through its listservs and social media.  To attract a competitive and talented pool of candidates, departments are strongly encouraged to develop pipeline programs and actively recruit candidates throughout the year.  All candidates should have strong potential for recruitment at Virginia Tech. Current Ph.D. candidates or post-docs not affiliated with Virginia Tech, within one year of pursuing a faculty position, and of a caliber to be competitive for a position are strongly encouraged to apply.

After OID completes the first round of review, applications will be shared with diversity directors no later than August 27th.  Departments and colleges will have until September 10th to provide a list of invited fellows. Although departments do not need to have current open positions in order to participate and host participants, they do need approval from the college.  Host departments will be responsible for creating an interview schedule on October 5th that includes meetings with key faculty, students, the faculty liaison, and a job talk.  If a department does not have a current vacancy/line, the Office for Inclusion and Diversity will partner with departments/colleges to advance our shared diversity goals through a financial match program.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at efcooper@vt.edu.  I look forward to working with you to bring another impressive cohort for the fall 2021 program!

For more information, review the flyer (attached) or visit our Future Faculty site.