Seek opportunities to present your research and discuss your work with a wide-range of audiences.
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Research-Related Experiences
Office of Professional Practice
- Graduate-level opportunities for internships and co-ops, often involving research with industry or government labs.
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
Purdue’s College of Engineering requires all on-campus engineering graduate students to complete both of the following RCR trainings by the end of their first semester. Students on NSF- or NIH-funded research projects may have additional requirements or earlier deadlines and should check with their research advisor.
- Complete the CITI online course on Responsible Conduct of Research Training — Faculty, Postdoctoral, and Graduate Course (CITI-RCR). The CITI-RCR online course includes 8 required modules. Each module takes approximately 30-60 minutes to complete and ends with a short multiple choice quiz. Students can enter, leave, and re-enter the course and each module as many times as they would like prior to taking the quiz. Students must achieve an average score of at least 80% on all quizzes in the required modules. When students have completed all the quizzes, they can print out a certificate of completion.
- Attend a follow-up seminar or workshop. The seminar or workshop may be one given by the School or one offered by the Graduate School. The seminar should be at least 60-90 minutes in length and give the opportunity for students to ask questions and discuss RCR-related issues with the speaker.
- Responsible Conduct of Research topics available as workshops or online:
- Copyright
- Grant Writing
- Intellectual Property
- Plagiarism and Ethical Practices
- RCR — Authorship/Publication
- RCR — Data Management
- RCR — Human Subjects
- RCR — Research Integrity
- Roles and Responsibilities
CITI Program
- The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) is dedicated to promoting the public’s trust in the research enterprise by providing high quality, peer-reviewed, web-based educational courses in research, ethics, regulatory oversight, responsible conduct of research, research administration, and other topics pertinent to the interests of member organizations and individual learners.
- The CITI Program materials are designed and regularly updated to:
- Enhance the knowledge and professionalism of investigators, staff, and students conducting research in the United States and internationally
- Educate members, administrators, and leadership of ethics committees that review and oversee research
- Promote ethical research at organizations through the education of research administrators and organizational leadership