College continues to lead the way in engineering education
The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) released its 2022 By the Numbers report and showcased an outstanding performance by Purdue College of Engineering.
Purdue Engineering’s vision is to be the incubator of the largest, best prepared and most diverse engineering talent pool in the nation. This year’s ASEE report and the latest U.S. News and World Report Rankings show that Purdue Engineering consistently is making progress on its goals.
The ASEE 2022 Report, ranked Purdue No. 2 in the nation for highest number of engineering bachelor’s degrees earned (2,674), up four spots from 2018. The 2022 report found Purdue No. 3 for awarding doctoral degrees (389), which shows growth from 2018 report in which Purdue ranked No. 5.
Beth Holloway, senior assistant dean for student access and success, notes that these milestones are “due to the work and focus put into recruiting, supporting and graduating our students.”
The 2022 ASEE Report also highlighted exceptional work in educating women and underrepresented minorities.
Purdue ranked No. 1 in the Big Ten and No. 2 nationally for number of bachelor’s degrees granted to women (694). This success reflects an intentional and historical commitment to support women engineers. Purdue created the first Women in Engineering Program in the U.S. in 1969. For the fall of 2023, the College of Engineering welcomed a record percentage (34.5%) of women students in First-Year Engineering and a quarter of the 2022-23 bachelor’s degrees in engineering were earned by women.
Purdue ranked No. 1 in the Big Ten for bachelor’s degrees awarded to underrepresented minorities (excluding degrees in computer science inside and outside engineering). Purdue also ranks No. 1 in the Big Ten in engineering degrees awarded to Hispanic/Latino students. In fall 2023, First-Year Engineering is comprised of a record percentage of underrepresented minorities (18.7%).