Duerstock's RoboDesk is a win for users with disabilities

Associate Professor Brad Duerstock
Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Brad Duerstock is the lead inventor of RoboDesk, a robotic motorized mount that's customized to attach to power wheelchairs, recliners, and hospital beds for users with disabilities. His team won third place in the Gold Division of the 29th annual Burton D. Morgan Business Plan Competition.

RoboDesk is a robotic motorized mount that's customized to attach to power wheelchairs, recliners and hospital beds for users with disabilities. The startup Prehensile Technologies LLC commercializes assistive technologies developed in Duerstock's laboratory.

As the first of its kind in the market, RoboDesk is operated using just a single switch, and can be customized to be controlled by those with severe mobility disabilities. This multiple degree of freedom device is mounted on a wheelchair to automatically deploy or retract a platform holding a mobile electronic device such as a smartphone or tablet. Its multifunctional design accommodates a variety of mobile devices and can be used for other purposes, such as a writing surface or meal tray.

Duerstock, who has been developing this technology for several years, said that though there are other wheelchair mounting systems on the market they must be manually operated and get in the way of performing every day activities, such as going underneath tables and desks and transferring in and out of the wheelchair. He and his team plan to further develop prototype design and manufacturing and perform subject beta testing.

In December 2015, Prehensile Technologies LLC also received a STTR Phase I grant from the National Science Foundation, which Duerstock says will be used to  complete an extensive device testing.

RoboDesk Video

In the News: WBAA reported on Duerstock's RoboDesk