ME's Andres Arrieta recognized for adaptive structures

Purdue MEs received recognition at the ASME Conference on Smart Structures, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS2018), in San Antonio, Texas in September 2018.

Andres Arrieta, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, received the ASME Gary Anderson Early Achievement for: “notable contributions of a young researcher in his or her ascendancy whose work has already had an impact on the fields of Adaptive Structures and Material Systems.”

Andres Arrieta, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, Katherine Riley and Karl Ang
Andres Arrieta, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, Katherine Riley and Karl Ang

Katherine Riley and Karl Ang received the Best Student Paper award for the paper entitled: Switchable Bistability in 3D Printed Shells with Bio-inspired Architectures and Spatially Distributed Pre-stress (authored by: K. J. Ang, K. S. Riley, J. Faber, A. F. Arrieta). Katherine Riley is a PhD student with Prof. Arrieta. This work is the result of Katie’s MS thesis for Andres Arrieta and Karl’s undergraduate research as a Bottomley Scholar.

Andres Arrieta studies Materials, Structures, and Functionality in his Programmable Structures Lab at Herrick Labs.