Purdue academy inducts 3 CoE faculty

The Purdue University Teaching Academy recognized three College of Engineering faculty members for outstanding teaching in graduate, undergraduate or engagement programs in ceremonies on Sept. 27.
Carl Wassgren

Carl Wassgren, professor of mechanical engineering and professor of industrial and physical pharmacy, received Purdue’s highest undergraduate teaching honor, the Charles B. Murphy Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award.

Wassgren, who has been teaching at Purdue since 1998, related a story about how news of the award took him by surprise.

“I was in a meeting with my department head, and he asked me to provide input on redesigning our faculty lounge. I thought this was odd, especially since my office is best described as functional, but I figured if he wanted my input, I could come up with some opinions,” Wassgren said. “I was stunned when I opened the lounge door and instead of seeing blueprints, I found a crowd of co-workers, cake, and banners.”

The Murphy Award is a great honor, said Wassgren, adding, “I know several previous winners and have great respect for their skill and dedication to teaching.”

Also recognized for excellence in teaching, innovation in teaching methodology, teaching-related service, and scholarship in teaching and learning, are Michael Grant, adjunct assistant professor of aeronautics and astronautics, and Chad Jafvert, professor of civil engineering/environmental and ecological engineering, who were inducted as fellows of the academy on Sept. 27. Wassgren was inducted in May 2012.

Michael Grant
Chad Jafvert

Grant (BS ’05 AAE), who joined Purdue in 2012, said he was extremely honored to be selected for induction. “Teaching at your alma mater is a great experience.”

Jafvert has been at Purdue since 1991. “Being part of the faculty at Purdue is very rewarding,” he said. “Every year brings new students, new research projects and new challenges.”

The induction ceremony was held in the Purdue Memorial Union North Ballroom with a reception at 6:30 p.m. followed by the ceremony at 7 p.m.