Science Laureates Program Convenes Wednesday

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Purdue's inaugural Science Laureates Program, co-sponsored by the College of Engineering, convenes on Wednesday, October 4, bringing to campus 10 distinguished science writers and journalists from prestigious media outlets such as Nature, The Washington Post, Financial Times of London, and The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Our reputation as a global leader in engineering higher education and research can be reinforced by the community of science editors and writers who report to the world on advances in science and engineering. The Science Laureates Program allows us to share our success and impact stories.

A number of events are open to our faculty, staff, and students:

Town Hall Meeting
Thursday, 10/5, 10:30 a.m., Lawson Computer Science Building Commons

Join moderator and Purdue Engineering alum Moira Gunn (PhD '74, Mechanical Engineering), host of NPR's TechNation and BioTechnation. The laureates and faculty from across campus will discuss the future of science research publication and will take questions from the audience.

University Convocation
Thursday, 10/5, 3:30 p.m., Union South Ballroom

Celebrate the 10 distinguished science and technology journalists when President Martin Jischke bestows the title of Science Laureate upon these individuals. You'll also hear from the laureates.

Friday, 10/6, 12 p.m., Lawson Computer Science Building

Give the laureates a true Purdue send-off